How to keep the husband hooked n booked?
Part 1:
Little everyday efforts which every woman should practise...and please it doesn’t make us drubbed or less feminist:
1. Wake him up each day with a gentle pat on the cheek and a hush mush voice, coming close and resting your cheek on his...make sure this does not become a startling act instead...just a tender ‘wake up to me honey’ kinda thing.
2. Follow it up with a kiss on the cheek and a hug...just as his eyes have opened is always soothing to feel you are waking up to a dream come true and also always hug, snuggle and kiss good night...sleeping into a dream!
3. Make sure he gets his meals as soon as he comes on the dining table or on time...the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach...but then only when it is empty and not stretched!
4. Keep his cupboards neat and things easily accessible. Don’t tamper with his things without asking...
5. Cook food or contrive anything reasonably edible even if he wakes you up at 4 am (yes, in the morning) for it.
6. It makes you no less modern if you press his feet once in a while after a tiring day or give him a hot oil head massage...and watch how eagerly the favours are’d be surprised to find that men love it if their shoes and socks are removed lovingly by you once in a while.
7. Drop all chores and greet him with a smile and a hug when he returns back from work...and follow it up with a glass of water...that’s the least by the way...I am leaving room for innovation n improvisation here.
8. Stand by him if he’s been slighted or ignored, especially by family members or relatives from your side.
9. Always ask your man’s choice before picking up clothes for yourself and try to follow mostly what he suggests. Makes him feel that you value his opinion! If his own choice sucks...give him option between the two things that you most like in the shop and any one of them, if picked, would do just as well!
10. When he is talking to you...lend him your ears (and the rest of the body too) completely and show no distractions...Nothing interests a man than a woman who’s interested in him...ok, correction...a “hot” woman who’s interested in him!
11. Once in a while, cancel outing programmes when he’s not in the mood or tag along even if disinterested, when he’s all for a party....kuch paane ke liye kuch khona padta hain...kabhi kabhi hansne ke liye thoda rona padta hain!
12. Keep his hot water bucket ready and covered with a sill before he gets into the loo for a shower...refurnish his toothbrush, toothpaste, his shaving blades, etc before he’d have to ask you for it. Heck, I even used to keep his entire clothes from the UG’s to the sparkling shoes ready and laid out on the bed before he got out of the bathroom.
13. If he goes to work unwell, call up a couple of times to ensure he’s ok or send in a medicine...stay up with him if he can’t sleep...a cuddle here works wonders.
14. Be the one to initiate a kiss and make up...saying sorry never hurts anyone....we can’t compete with men’s ego anyways!
15. Take the enterprise to dress with just as much bother when going out alone with you do when going out with couple friends.
16. Laugh at his jokes and with him...go up to him if he’s standing alone at a party or getting bored, even of it means leaving your own gang...
17. Avoid blame games and angry outbursts and the phrase “I told you so...” Keep the explaining for later when you both are quieter.
18. Give him space...for boys night out, for watching television late night or being on the internet once in a while, for wanting to be alone, for choosing the clothes he wants to wear, etc.
19. Make him feel it is ok with you if he communicates with female fact share his interests in the opposite sex by being casual about it, encouraging him to feel free to share things with you.
20. Remember the tasks he asked you to carry out before leaving for work or make a note of them...get his medicine, sew the button, keep the evening shirt ironed, call up the sick relative, get the fused tube light changed, or the spider webs from the bathroom window removed, etc. Get it done without reminders!
Part 2:
These are sure shot winners, come on gals add that zing and dash of romance:
1. Remember dates and days that matter to him...and make them special and the day he grabbed a big contract or deal, calls for a pastry n candle waiting on his return that says “You are a genius”
2. His birthdays should be flooded with special gestures- give him as many knick knacks as gifts as the age he is stepping into...a surprise party...candle lit your room...make him a king for the day!
3. Hold hands sometimes in public like while watching a movie in a theatre or playing footsy from under the table.
4. Form your own codes to be able to send across a message even in a touching the nose means wanna hug you, pulling ears stands for a much needed kiss....and so on!
5. Occasionally put little notes in his travelling bag, in office pouch or in his cupboard to remind him of you always.
6. Have your own song that reminds you of each other whenever it’s played anywhere...create a love poem for him with mad personal touches of course and yup keep the language are not writing for Shakespeare, gals!
7. Put photographs of your holidays or just the two of you together in the room...on the walls or in frames on shelves around...nope, you are not giving him an overdose of remind him every now and then that his life with you is beautiful.
8. Text personal mobile love messages just like that and send them each day, till it becomes a ‘looking forward to’ habit...make the message sexy to double the go dumb n numb under the influence of seductive provocation, even if it’s just in words!
9. A nice body massage if done properly can ignite many a flame...introduce more physical variety to spice up lives...and throw the head-ache woes out of the window...Take a spa treatment together or gift him one...showers together always do more than just double cleaning!
10. Buy new lingerie every now and then...there’s nothing as exciting for him to hear you say mischievously... ‘you get into bed and I’ll be back in a minute’ ...and then come back n how;)
11. Tuck him in bed and under the sheets every night...make him cosy howsoever he may desire it....and by how so ever...I hope so ever that you get my point
12. Say ‘I love you’ everyday and in every possible in the fog clad night, written with your fingers on the glass of the car...or after a hot bath on the steam masked mirror...on the sand or with bamboo sticks laid out on the beach...with diyas saying it adorning the floor when he walks in for a surprise.
13. Go for walks or long drives just like that...create a CD of all his favourite songs and put that on or update his I-pod...have morning tea or after dinner walk together...form rituals and be around at the times when he is mostly alone...fill up his voids.
14. Plan a boys night out for him that’s a all the bookings and maybe once in a blue moon make it an all expenses paid would have a rent in your pocket but never in your heart
15. Keep buying gifts of no reason or occasion for him every now and a shirt when you go shopping for yourself, or a take away burger when you went for your gals only brunch!
16. It makes a man so proud when the girl on his arm shows him a hot chick that he must check out before she gets out of the domain. He’d just be looking at her with you, instead of looking for excuses to send you in the shops and then ogle. I do that all the time...sometimes we even discuss the assets and their worth and have a good laugh over it.
17. Share his past...make him talk about his school days, college gigs, girlfriends n crushes, memorable moments...gently persist of he resists and not forcefully demand...and please don’t hold on to the past...learn to accept it and move on.
18. Take him out for a date dinner some night...He does not need to take his wallet because this one’s on him there, keep a mini bar ready in the car (means two glasses, an ice bucket a packet of chips and the drinks...see not much!) and push back his seat and let him relax...make sure to stop the car in a deserted place for some sweet “mouth” savouries every now and then!
19. Learn to pack his suitcase for his journeys and make the effort to ensure his comfort like put newspapers in the shirts so that they don’t crinkle, a mini medical kit, extra polythenes to put in used clothes, etc.
20. You must give him a hang of close...real close dancing at least once through a dancing out should be his moment there with you when you make him unaware of people, noise or other hot chicks around coz you are stupendously n teasingly close yet not really “in”.
Part 3:
What every woman should know...and remember too for these are the basics...The ABC...I know you know, but a reminder never hurts...
1. Respect his parents.
2. Appreciate his efforts n shower compliments regularly.
3. Keep his home and home atmosphere neat and pleasant.
4. Share his hassles and encourage his interests.
5. Control your anger and never shout at him.
6. Adapt to his least sometimes if not always.
7. Cook what he likes occasionally.
8. Look presentable when you go out, if not a head turner.
9. Learn to trace his mood and act accordingly.
10. Give him company and time.
11. Don’t nag, complain or crib all the time.
12. Don’t start off with in-laws woes as soon as he enters home.
13. Don’t go on n on about your own parents and family.
14. Don’t compare him with anyone, even to educate him.
15. Don’t underestimate the power of physical intimacy.
16. Never laugh at him publically or check him always on his actions.
17. Never criticize a gift given by him.
18. Money doesn’t count all the time...don’t scrutinize or post-mortem all his spending.
19. Be yourself!
20. Keep the romance alive, be his support and strength and by his side always.
Happy hubby humping!
OMG.....i don't know how much time it took you to write this....but after reading it....i wish if in the future i get married....i have a wife like exactly you described:)
the best of all these were pt.17 of part 2....i am not sure how i am going to share my past (which has been quite long and colourful :P), but ya if my to-be-wife wants to know the details...i would be more than happy to share it ard !
Hi Amit...
I hope n pray u get a gal like that n even if u don't by some mad interference of the divine at his mischief...well, thou shalt now have the commandments to make her learn through before moving into holy matrimony...;)
You just made my day by supporting me on making sense here...I was half afraid of being mocked at, for just because it worked for my beloved and me does not mean these may work for all...:)So a big heartfelt thanks...u r so cute...:)
And about your past...whereas it is advised to be is equally wise to be filtering sometimes...Why spoil the taste of a perfect cuppa coffee that has granules in it? Let it blend n test it for yourself before offering...Actually u've given me some food for thought here...:)
Hope u blog soon...
OMG!!! Suruchi i absolutely agree to everythign you said..each and me keeping that bucket of hot water really helps :) saves the early morning sulks big time..and the wake up to em honey!!!
great writing here girl :)
OMG...thanks so much Sulagna for agreeing with me..tried n tested formulas these are, very rarely would they backfire...So glad they work for others just as they did for me...:)
Like that Vodafone jingle says...
"Happy to help";)
nice one Suruchi..
with more of you to this world no woman can complain of a troubled married life..
Keep it up.. :)
Hmm..thanks one should complain anyways yaar...Let's wish all marriages continue to rock...n if they are not made in heaven...let them be made heavenly hereafter;)
hey..just blogohopped..and visited ur blog..really appreciate the efforts u took in riting this one...and the result is a candid picture..
good one..really..made me romantic all over again..
keep riting..u have one more follower in me now..:)
and do visit my blog too...will await ur comments
take care..
Thanks Prithwish...
What an interesting name!
I like candid n I'm so glad u liked it too...stay romantic...that's the only way to be:)
Thanks for following..hey that just means be around...will check ur blog too...
Cheers n good day:)
just bloghopped from here and there..neat blog..quite liked yur part 2 and made me feel soooo romantic indeed! i'd luv to share with really! thanks..blogrolled yu and hope to cya around!
I read some of your earlier stuff..
U do write super to say the least..
n needles to say I am a fan of urs ma'am :)..
Take a look at my blog too if you do get time..
Cheers!! B-)
Hi Hary...
Thanks for the cute praise n u are so welcome to pop up any time...Please continue to feel romantic...and I hope u have a special someone to share it with;)
Checked ur blog n liked it too...yup let's c each other around;)
Shashank hi again...
Great to see u return...and so flattered to say the least with u becoming a fan...coz I read some of ur blogs here seem juvenile thereafter...
Thanks again...keep coming:)
juvenile??!!!!! ROFL...
your writng is far too gud to be aniwhere close to that....
n at the very least more articulated and creative than me.... :)
Aniways whens the next one comin ?? :)
Alright...if u insist...hehe...just kidding...
Thanks u sooooooo much...u've been veryyyyyyy good n lavish in ur praise with me....
N about the next one...
Hmm..pretty soon...
U almost make me nervous with the expectations....
But then...
I'm loving it...tarapapapaaaa...;)
OMG , u have put lot of thoughts on this, ur beloved must be really lucky ;)
Hey Lincoln...
I wish someone would tell him that too...:(
The grass is always greener at the other end...haha...
He knows he is lucky and when he tends to forget even a bit of it...I make sure I aptly remind him;-)
Thanks for stopping by:-)
Wonderful blog! I definitely love how it’s easy on my eyes and also the data are well written. I am wondering how I might be notified whenever a new post has been made. I have subscribed to your rss feed which need to do the trick! Have a nice day!
Good Afternoon
Can I link to this post please?
hi anon...
u can click on the "follow" tab n that should do the trick to notify you for new posts..
hi anon 2,
i guess u may link it..thank u:-)
hi anon...
u can click on the "follow" tab n that should do the trick to notify you for new posts..
hi anon 2,
i guess u may link it..thank u:-)
Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?
Haha...I am right here right now...
So when am I being hired?:-)
Thanks for the thought though:-)
I read this post so many times...i will keep reading in future too...somehow this makes me feel so good...i seriously doubt if any single lady follows all these...doesnt matter...
I'd like to see a similar post abt to keep wife booked n hooked :)
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