Hmmm...I want to write something nice today...
Something that has the intention of making me feel good n not just my readers*READERS...ah! Sounds so flattering na, as though I have a million eyes glued to their computer screens just to catch a glimpse of my next post*
It’s been a while since I have written a post n felt proud about it.
With new roles in my life n the dimensions n perceptions changing, I am trying with all my main n might to hold on to the vestiges of the sensible madness that defined me...
But today I want to speak of n spread love.
I want to talk about love-expressed n unexpressed.
I have a very dear, very young friend of mine, who is in love with a pretty, young n wise thing*I mean a girl btw, just to clear the air* from a long while...say months, which is actually long enough by today’s standards...but he has been unable to express it.
True to my ‘playing Cupid’ took me excruciating months too n all my conviction but I convinced him to propose, he came around, she accepted and they finally live in love land happily ever after.
Now this development has had several repercussions for me:
1. I sooooooooooo wanna fall in love again now, for there is nothing in this world that gives you better kicks n highs than falling into a naya-naya pyar.
2. You can find me all puffed up*nopes, I have not put on weight* about my mahaan, world altering task of bringing ‘do pyaar karne waale’ together*don’t they give a Nobel or something for that?*
3. It got me thinking as to why people waste time in waiting to express how they feel...when they could have been wrapped in each other’s arms during this tenure sipping the nectar of sweet love?
Sometimes circumstances or events that occur in the natural course help us to open our thinking and bloom to our true glory and the way nature makes us to be...
Otherwise we suffer from one of many such following syndromes:
“Since most common people do not do so, it is wrong for us to want to”
“If it was right as considered in my mother’s time, it is right still”
“What would people say? I can’t risk being seen in any other light except the one under which I am standing!”
“Expressing feelings n being rejected post it is the end-all of any expressions whatsoever and ever”
Thankfully...some of us bloom, but sadly many of us remain confined in our outdated thinking...yes, even for life!
Although we see rash passionate commitments in today’s scenario, changing faster than the season’s fashion trend, there are yet a handful of youngsters who still believe in the old fashioned love...
Saving themselves along with the L-word for the special someone....
Taking all the time in and of the world in expressing even random bits of affection although the heart is pounding with mind numbing hammer beats of love!
And worst come worst, some even being content in their mute adoration of someone special with no aim of EVER exposing their love even to the target of it all!
Fearing what-if I am rejected...or laughed at...ridiculed?
Would it be the death knell of a good friendship?
I truly believe that whenever you like someone, you MUST let them know so.
All of us deserve to know if there is someone who secretly likes us a little more than a whole horde of our friends do.
It is such an amazing feeling to be loved!
I don’t know why people are horrified or embarrassed or cringy at the idea?*unless there is a complete jerk at the other end that is*
Even if you may not be able to love the person back, it would make you feel warm to know that you made an impact of some kinds and whatever you are doing is likeable enough*yiy, yiy, yiy!*
Furthermore my dear young souls in love, please remember that someone who coined the proverb ‘Early bird catches the worm’ did not do so in a state of dizzy drunkenness...he made n still makes sense!
If you would wait for the right moment in all probability, the right moment would come too late making it a wait forever!
Besides, any emotions if let unexpressed slowly start to gnaw within your being and rotten some vital domain of feelings.
You become so used to of hiding sentiments that even when one fine day you get into a committed relationship, you often leave gaps everywhere which you want to fill but find yourself unable to do so out of the dumb habit of being that way.
So let the world know...
Why do you think social networking sites ask you ‘What’s on your mind?’ in the garbs of status updates...because they know it helps to vent out!
What maximum can happen?
She would laugh at the idea?
Laugh about it along with her...pretend that it could have mattered a lot if she had said ‘yes’ but phew, alas now it does not!
You would know once n for all how she feels, so that you can either stop pining and getting on every one’s nerves being a heart rendered Majnu, or gear up to court her off her feet in either possibilities.
You’d know to channelize your energies of body n mind elsewhere on brighter prospects instead of wasting the precious years of your youth and emotions on someone who does not appreciate or care for it.
There is a plethora of ‘prospective’ girlfriends n boyfriends out there...and that stupid line that someone coined ‘We can truly love just one person in our life’ definitely did so in a state of dizzy drunkenness!
We all live post rejections...even if a friendship is lost, there is no way there can’t be more or better ones...
Nothing n no one in life is indispensible!
And that line... “Mein uske bina jee nahi sakta” is too cheesy even for films now!
One does not let things go awkward or go in hyper tension just coz she knows another person in that room once expressed his love to her.
She moves on by saying that she does not feel the same way and hence even after declining the love, she retains the friendship!
So express your love...say as you n be loved...for there is nothing else that matters on Mother Earth.
We were sent here not to raise empires, or create history.
But to love n let love...and let know when love lights the world by letting us love!
so good to see you writing again! =D
Love and let love...
expand to
Love and live....:)
Nice message....
awww so sweet.Expression is hell important..It can get scary when u have to tell some one that u like them..but, its better when told.Though i have not faced that situation except for once* have had people {guys] confessing their feelings for me.And its OK if u dont feel the same for them..after all everything is fair in love aint it?
Oh yea! Totally in love with this post...the feeling of falling in love for the first time is just incomparable. :)
Who ever wrote " Early Bird catches the Worm " never really thought someone very talented would give it a whole new dimension by using it for love :)
I guess most people wait for the iron to be hot so that they nail it really hard. But people forget a huge part in accepting or rejecting somebody's proposal is also destiny why and when someone will say yes to you is never really known ... that is its LOVE IS MAGIC :)
Anyways nice advice n wish your friend all the best :)
adios :)
Gawd!!! I am in love with each and every blogpost of yourz.. I actually read most of ur posts while working in office.. No words.. :)
Here we go again, u have touched a RAW nerve.. Well I did not have a good experience and yes MAIN USKE BEENA JI NAHIN SAKTA is too cheesy for todays standard, She was not worth it and her losss :)
anyway Dont know about others but i do look forward to your notes they are funny and make me smile so always looking forward to it :)
definitely if i like someone you shud tell them for sure .. what harm can come of it ... but these days its hard to find true love.. me being from old school am not into one DAY love affairs which most boys and girls are into they want to Lay themselves and thats it over the the new one Well thats the experince I had OUCH...
Good luck to you mates and gold bless them...
and hey do u think i shud go and tell that girls that i LURVEEE her SHOULD I .. if something goes wrong i know who to blame now :) YOUUUUUUUUUUU heh ehhehe
By the way i am a NRI, british citizen have a super job adn earn well wakey waky do u get the hint Ms. Cupid...
Yeah i agree to the rash commitment chaos scenarios people dont think before making a decision which may effect so many others toooo ...
the right moment there is nothing like that.. any moment ir right moment to open and tell the other that you love them or care for them ...
Indeed looking forward to the pathora of GF.. I hope i do get them as someone said someone has good face, some the arms , some the hair so yeah indeed a pathora is required and I am game for it :)
Yes indeed let someone know you love them even if they dont at least as you said it can make them happy :)
Loved this one
Bikram's Blog
I believe in the old fashioned love. The trepidation of a single touch - the flutter of an accidental brush - the first kiss that takes after like a year since you started going out. I love all of that.
This post brings back delightful memories. :)
really sweet post..wat a coincidence ...i was about to write a post on the same thing..and you did wonderful justice to my idea....hats off...i have two view on this...first i am also belong to the old school of thought while treating love...infact last night i saw a movie...letters to juliet...must watch...infact do wil add flavours to this blog...its say love does not have expiry date...
Secondly its really the most sacred thing on this planet which is loosing its identity coz of some reasons...true love rare to find...if found held it on forever...but these days...a eclipse has covered this wonderful planet called love...u r take??
I was unveileing myself finally and was adding on fb..but was not able to due to technical error...i got to knw...regarding ur birthday;it just passed recently...belated happy birthday...will add as soon as error resolved
Heyy Suruchi,
so you are back..
..ummmmmmmm...m..does it sound gloomy?
I mean are backkkkk :)
If you wud have been single I wud have added 2-3 kisses as well at the end Muahhaaaaaaaa..;)
and heyyy.. I soo agree with u ..(hw come I always agree wd u?:D) There is nothing like one and the only one ...Search & u may find even much better..If not, u r not searching hard enough..what say?? ;)
and it is never a coincidence but a stroke of good luck that i come in here checkin up on you!
you always do a marvel bit by boosting my unresolved passions :D and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee in a good way - i wanna be in love again and express it! OUT LOUD
Loved the post!! Bt ys, i hav seen lot of ppl including myself are big bugs in expressing things, cant say scared.. may b want the other person to understand without a big talk... in my case i'm a big lazy fool in expressing.. !
it's good to have you back and blogging dear Suruchi!
as always i loved reading this one...and i think im ready to fall in love all over again....with the same man of course =)
ohh cummon!!! easy for u to say wid a husband and kid to love and all dat happy happy family stuff...
we lonely souls out here hav to stalk girls on daily basis...plan out a proper action plan...and den by the time we prepare ourselves to propose we fall in love with someone else..its an INFINITE LOOP!!!
btw i m dat old fashioned one and hav my L-word reservation for the special someone...but she is still on waiting list... :(
I know I should have commented earlier, but, have been so wrapped up!
This is such a lovely post! And with such a wonderful message.
Being in love is one thing, knowing that the other person also feels the same about you can make a world of difference to you!
Let us spread the love!
Hi NAUK...*VB was so much cuter btw though NAUK is more stylish*
I am dying to write...just that the inspiration well seems a little dried up:/
Hopefully there would be fresh showers soon:-)
Hi A
So n live...
Is there any meaning of a life devoid of love?
As far as I am concerned...there is not!
Hi Mady,
Wow...people have proposed to u n we have not heard it on your blog page?????????
Tch, tch..not fair...
Love not just needs to be told but also declared;-)
Hi Ria,
Hain na...
I would give my right arm n right leg n right eye n right everything to just get it right in being in love for the first time every time;-)
Though I would want all those ‘right’ organs back to enjoy the fruits of that love;-)
Hey Shreya...
Someone very talented has a super talent of screwing poor proverbs so that someone actually talented who wrote those turn n grumble in their graves....
Life mein thoda twist zaroori hain;-)
Love is magic...but somewhere inside you do know if the magic is working on your special someone or not...
There are they must be followed...
Or you’d go past them n turn into wrong turns n lose the path!
Thanks from my friend...he always seems to need wishes;-)
Hi Sameera...
Now THAT what u said was a great boost of confidence to me...
Coz it’s been a long while since I was praised like that!
Thank u so much honey..u made my day:-)
You have said a plethora much in your comment...
Mere taareef bhi..n kisse ko propose bhi...n then the prospects of having a plethora of girlfriends bhi...
Waise Ms Cupid is a little stupid when it comes to getting hints...
You have to hit her on the head directly sometimes;-)
Bad experiences are everywhere...
At family....
So why not in love too?
Once bitten twice shy never helps...
If at first u don’t succeed..try, try again might help though;-)
I wish u all the very best...
N thanks for being such a loving reader n follower...
Big hugs...jhappis waale:-)
Hi Cin...
I was already pining to fall in love n there ur comment has now raised the desperation quotient;-)
Please share the delightful memories...
Sometimes reading others all mush helps satiate ur own mush cells:-)
Up...damn ,damn...join the bandwagon...
So many people dying to fall in love but no one to fall into...’s unfair I tell you...
Though my chances are now super grim...I wish u all the bright prospects honey...
U deserve all the love in the world...
Go ahead n let ur feelings be known to ur classmate...
Undertone them a bit in the beginning n as u see him reacting positively...
Raise up the volume:-)
All the best!
N keep us posted on the developments:-)
Hi Niraj,
Letters to Juliet sounds very exciting...
Just the name makes u feel it would be drenched in love:-)
N yes, once u love someone...u can never really hate him or her...
Maybe not think about him as much...but never really be able to erase memories...
There is actually no expiry date to love...
N Hey write that post...let’s see how much our views match:-)
True love is sometimes too much of a hype n sometimes taken too casually...
I mean zaroori nahi ke Heer Ranjha jaisa pyar ho tabhi pyar hain...
N also zaroori nahi ke u think about the person from months so it is confirmed that u love him...
It is very subjective n generally it helps to talk to someone about your feelings who has a better understanding or experience of love...
Kinda a third person view
Thanks for the birthday wishes...
Hope to see u soon on facebook:-)
Hi pRasad...
Haha..u are such a sweetheart...
If I had been single I would have added 2-3 muahaaaas to your 2-3 muwaaahs too...
But since I am not...let’s make that 5-6 muwaaahs instead;-)
How come we always agree?
Pata nahi..someone said something about great minds thinking alike...
Shaayad wohi lagta hain;-)
And so the search continues......;-)
Hi AD,
Loooooong time no see...
Great to have u here again:-)
I know how u wanna be in love again...
Please add my name to that list...
And let’s pray for each other...
Love devta, bless us both:-)
Please keep coming around...
N I promise to boost all the resolves;-)
Hi Devil Incarnate,
Arre..if we will wait for the other person to understand...
Gaddi platform se nikal jaayege...
In these times we all need to hear n need to say...
Expressions are very important...apne aap koi kuch nahi samajhta...samjhana padhta hain:-)
Haanji Tbg...
Hmmmm back to you:-)
Hi Persis,
Good to be back too...though I never really went anywhere...
Was just kinda in a drained brain mode:-)
And yes...being in love is the key...same man...good man...handsome man...I guess “MAN” is the keyword then;-)
Hi Bucking...
You are so super cute...
If u’d be a little older n me a little search would have been complete right here, right now:-)
And btw...not easy for me to say with a husband n kid n all...
Bloody all the more difficult yaar...especially if the man in question may not be my husband...samajhte nahi hain log yaar!;-)
And u poor lonely souls...falling in love with the blink of an eye...
Super awesome statement there...
I have told u I am a complete fan of your comments, haven’t I?
Please reassert it in big, bold letters:-)
And woh waiting list ko aage badhao...confirm the reservation or else she’ll look for another berth to settle her cute ass on:-)
finally mu su is back at what she is best in doing :) so does this mean seeya has finally realsied mommy has to blog the way..i wnat you to write a series where its all about you and G and princess..pls try are a natural at it
that was one of the most beautiful posts i've read on how to express love... it was great to read it suruchi :)
you know i am in the same kinds situation now... i love a girl, who is more than a best friend, but the irony is i talk to her abt my dream girl, and knows how much i love her, but she doesnt know... she herself is the dream girl... confusing :P. yeah me too ;)
thing is she's having probs with his boyfriend and i dont wanna butt in... lemme see... hope the bud in my heart blooms out and i find the hreat to tell her one fine day.... :)
and thank you so much for the heart felt appreiation for my poem... it felky great dn lovely to read your comment... you have a surprise on the annual raza blog awards... in the coming months ;), hope to see more of you on the blog :)
take care and keep writing...........
Anytime.. Looking forward to read some great entertaining stuff from you ( u know vot i mean ;))
well the pretty, young n' wise thing read the post and now has developed a ego the size of himalayas at her description !
aah nice..!!something on LOUVE..hehe
just say what you want.. and let's see what happens..!!
it is most of the time ego that stops us from expressing..
what ifs? bother us.. and the perfect time is gone..
early bird sure catches the worm.. cos u know.. for one worm.. there are way too many early birds.. :p
Hi Su...
Nopes, Seeya has still not realized that Momma needs to blog...
I do so behind her back:/
And anyways the posts are generally circling around her, unless I make a very conscious effort to deviate...
Not been posting much coz not been in a very writing-writing mode!
Hopefully would resurface back soon:-)
Hi Thousif...
Oooooh love again!
Bol do...u never know if that boyfriend takes her away from right under her nose...
Never mind the butting in...butts were made for just that...
Go ahead n express how u feel n leave it to her to decide...
After all, she must know if she has a choice:-)
And I hope so too, to be able to wander around more in the blogosphere, which is kinda tough these days with my teeny weenie daughter...
All the best for the awards..
N yup..we'd see each other around:-)
My very dear n very young friend...who the F told u to open ur big mouth n tell her that the post was about u n her...
Offo...once a dodo always a dodo!:-)
Acha hain na just the ego is the size of Himalayas n nothing else;-)
*I shall accept the fact that u name your daughter after me as an expression of ur graitude;-)..bas zyaada kuch nahi chahiye...n then watch her grow into a stupendous blogger, contrary to her parents who blog once in a very blue moon:-)*
Hi Prateek...
You know I learnt the expression of loUve from somewhere in your posts n looooooooUved it to the core:-)
Ego is such a useless thing...I don't know why god created it!
And yup...too many birds n too few worms...all the more urgency to
Haha...will save that for over a cuppa coffee. :)
Superb post… I had conveyed a similar kind of message through my poem “Just Say it out” say 10 days back… And it was not just about love, but about everything that you feel, you want to share with your close ones and you hesitate to do so… I don’t understand why people fear… Saying Love You is such a wonderful thing and would mean so much to anyone :) check my poem on
I have recently started another blog too with all my anecdotes, hope you like it -
Also its not just praising you, but seriously im sure people get addicted to your posts and they everytime wait for your next one to come… :)
@Cin..okies...hopefully that cuppa should come soon:-)
Checking out your pages as we speak*hitting myself on the head for not doing so before...apologies*
And thanks for being so awesome with your praise of me...
It has me flying high above the cloud 9:-)
hmmm stupid cupid post.. ;p easier said dn done i blv.. nevrdless diff post from u.. diff spices in life.. dats d way abt it so keep posting...
see , am i not your most obedient and lovable follower ?
Hi Sobhit,
Yup...always believed variety is the spice of life...
Wish I could materialize that in my life:/
Anyways, it is even easy to do...
Just follow the signs...
N then your heart.
If u feel someone likes you enough for you to say this to her, take the chance...
A 'yes' would definitely be worth it:-)
Hi Akshay,
You are the only smart one to gather the hints here;-)
You are a very lovable n obedient follower...
And a complete naatak company too*woh Drama Queen title is an understatement for you so thought of being a bit innovative;-)*
hahaha.. still easier said dn done.. ;p .. sign n exprnces mk it funny.. doesnt it ??? so oppo lost or wrong desicion.. eithr ways 1 gota tk d onus himself .. so hv a nice day suruchi ji :P ...
Nice read . Actually,read it twice .
Couldn't agree with you more ... I want to fall in love again ... feel those butterflies again ... Will have to tell my scientist husband to get on it right away :P
Š! Perlu untuk menjaga pengujian blog saya. Tidak bekerja seperti yang saya inginkan belum. Thx untuk tema tersebut. Mungkin ini akan mendapatkan tambang untuk terlihat lebih baik.
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