Imagine a wife eyeing her man lustily from top to bottom as though a mouth-watering chocolate dripping cake with a cherry on top*and yet a promise of no calories* has been alluringly put in sight!
Imagine then the husband says ‘Not today honey, I have a headache’
Imagine again the wife saying, ‘You always have that excuse. Why in God’s name have I married you then?’
Hypothetically again...a man remembering all dates of all kinds of insane anniversaries or a woman remembering routes while driving or even parking right between two vehicles just a few feet apart.
Or cut to a restaurant where the girl orders a hearty four course meal and the guy nibbles on the salad coz he’s on a diet to attain a zero figure.
A woman who is constantly on the mobile phone *not for gossiping*attending ‘urgent’ calls or emailing and a man cribbing about it or about the fact that she has too many girls night-outs while he sits around at home waiting for her!
The woman repairing the electric mains and the man telling you how to remove the haldi ke stains from a table cloth!
Actually such predicaments are not so difficult to imagine with modern day role reversals but instead of these being sporadic episodes, what if they become the scenario at large?
Certain roles have been pre-defined to suit the genders.
I am not averse to a duo going dutch to foot a restaurant bill or the idea of women initiating sex or proposing to a guy...
But certain stereotypes look cute as they are, don’t they?
It is sweet to have someone you’ve been eyeing come across the bar to ask you if he could buy you a drink*of course in a more innovative way*
Nice to have a boy fall on his knees to propose...
With a girl doing so thoda technical locha bhi ho sakta hain na...like the skirt getting lifted or if it is a mini skirt...too much excess being proposed than is intended.
Let men do the dirty work.
Ah the world where chivalrous men open doors for their better halves or even someone else’s better half or remove their coats to cover the slightly shivering petite form of their princesses in the harsh cold wind!
Rippling muscles adorning the Greek god like male form rather than the female’s.
Where men get ready to fist a loafer’s face blue if he raises so much as an eyelid at the girl on his arm...
Where long hair in ponytails, were strictly a woman’s domain and casing, bullet-proof looking leather jackets bore a ‘men-only’ tag.
Where men pay the bills when women shop!
Where women in sexy lingerie welcome home their husbands with a surprise and they live happily ever after in the room...at least for a few hours!
Where men are treated as gods and women as queens!
Where only women keep the KarvaChauth vrat*actually no point even in women keeping it but men observing this fast is a little too Karan Johar-ish!*
It is equally nice to have the man cuddling you for comfort more often than the woman doing the same round the clock.
Having a man cry once or twice in a movie is so cute, try living with a fully grown man-like something who is a cry baby!
It is better to have a woman tying up a neck tie than watch a man do his beloved’s sari...I mean like EVERY time!
I know of a working couple who stay alone in a metropolitan city and hence as need necessitate it to be...the husband gets up every morning to polish her and the children’s shoes and iron the clothes of the kiddos and his wife before he can do his own and go to office. Without intending to be prejudiced or high headed, but sorry, it is not a very pleasing sight for me...
I would like to give certain respects and benefits to the husbands by default just as women deserve certain pampering without having to ask for it.

I was tagged too...but couldn’t manage to do it then.
So here I go, on how though I love the basic stereotypes I equally adore breaking the moulds...
Oxymoron to the core!
I am not a normal girl...matlab ke sab straight hain magar kahin kahin crooked turns aa jaate hain:
1. I hate gossiping n talks about maids n mothers-in-law n children put me off like an electric short circuit darkening it all.
2. I absolutely like the idea of being a single or rather sole woman in a group of men*partying of course, you dirty minds* while the other men having their wives sitting in some corners and bitching.
Too many women in sight, is not a pleasant sight for me!
3. I can handle my man looking or admiring other women...I even join him to discuss some vital statistics...er...vital issues of it.
4. I don’t mind scurrying around getting the car repaired or paying mobile bills or circling the BSNL office to get my internet connection running*many women I know refuse to do such things as they consider them to be the men’s jobs*
5. I like ‘chedo-ing’ guys...not like a tapori whistle or ‘Aata kya?’ type ke sidey remarks...but a subtle tease works super duper with me! Sometimes I feel I flirt like a guy too...now how is that possible...we’d keep it for some other time.
6. I like to pay the bill at a restaurant once in a while or take all onus of a short holiday sometimes as a treat to my man... ‘Jao tum bhi kya yaad karoge ke kiss cheez se shaadi hue hain’ types ehsaan to his being.
7. I love action movies...though not the Jackie Chan kinds...I can’t stand the sounds they emit of ho-ha-wha*from their mouths of course* when they hit someone!
It’s like unpleasant noisy love making in the room next door when you aren’t getting any in your own.
8. I love driving fast...really fast...in fact I sometimes honk the life out of a youngster who drives at a snail pace ahead of me.
An oldie doing so is fine, but for a young blood...offo...move it!
9. I would love to someday get so drunk that I get onto a table and dance*hopefully the table would not give away n neither would I in the attempt to get over it*
10. Then there is the list of what I’d do if I were a man...have multiple girlfriends...walk bare chested on a very hot day...not bother about growing eyebrows...try to get into a wrestle game at least once n where the prospects of my winning are high...or punch someone hard on the face, without hurting my fist in the bargain...ride a Harley Davidson kinda bike...
Aaa....Actually not much else...
I am happier being a woman n batting the eyelids to get all these things done somehow anyways!
So while following the stereotypes is cool...deviating from the usual is sometimes ‘cooler’...now what concerns being AC*poor joke*is very much your take to be in life!
Very very funny and intelligent post. :))))
I persnally believe men=women in all aspects of lives besides physical differences.
Also I think you picked up worst habits of worst men and worst women...
Decent men don't have multiple girl friends and they don't tease females.
Also intelligent females like you don't gossip....
But overall it is very nice post.
I am the SAME! The list of your twists and turns! = DITTO ... I am not a girly girl. I guess in the world of role reversal is it getting really hard to make up my mind about how and what I want from Men. I want to be a gentleman but not treat me any less or think I cannot do something. I am understand their plight now, though. No wonder, they can never decipher what women want.
yeah this is good now .. back to norm i :)
I would love to see that reversal happening , would be funny to get pampered, getting flowers and gifts all the time mmmm
and the chocolates and being treated to good things ...
I dont know why a guy needs to do it , be chivalourous :)
and i wud not mind whistled at or AATA KYA :) wowo that would actually be nice , oooh already dreaming of it now ...
and also being a pain and making girls fight , all those pangas taken and the start of the college year .. someone saying yeh Red shirt wala mera hai .. nahin nahin this one in black shirt yeh mera hai ... he heheh
I loved your 10 points and to start with that sab straight hai :) REALLY you think so i got my doubts now .. I got to call G to know now he hehehe
3. WOWOWO really Mr G is quiet lucky guy , i hope you remember he and me ha ha haha :)
multiple GF wowo yahan ek sambhali nahin gayi multiple kahan se .. yeh to Gf ka kaam tha multiple bf i need to take lessons from her he hehe :)
and punching someone aap aa jao kabhi yahan yeh shaunk poora karwa doonga By god ki kasam .. itni to chalti hai yahan and the harley davidson ride too .. and the one to get drunk too so Three things i can take care of aur bolo he hehe :)
I guess i do think men and women are equal but the problem is the sometimes women themselves dont feel that ..
I do feel somethings still shud be woman and for men that doesnot make me a sexist or anything its just that looks good.. I am sure i would not want to go out with a girl who has a 6 pack and rippling muscles .. pata laga mere ko utha ke patak diya he hhee
and some things are man's domain true how can someone look at my girl .. yeah like u say wudnot want my girl to go on one knee ... hey i dont mind someone else doing it to someone else .. as you mentions LOCHA ho gaya to I can have a laugh at least :)
now see only a man can have this mind not ladies :) he he hehee
loved this article a good one and a nice tag to do :)
Bikram's blog
'Where men get ready to fist a loafer’s face blue if he raises so much as an eyelid at the girl on his arm...' That is how possessive I am :D !!!
have to say there was a time when women were supposed to do nothing other then household chores and raise babies,they were treated as equals to men.Men were always considered superior in those ages all around the world.
I like the present scenario better as it gives women the power to reach the limits of their creativity.
It's evolution right?
trust me a women who can kick-box is a big turn on for me at least ;D .
so much we can talk on this topic...someday :)
take care ji
have a nice weekend
Am I lucky to veto idea of skipping visit to you today! Need I say anymore?
Take care and BE WHAT YOU ARE
sigh... for all the magic potions you may have stacked up to turn the world around and make guys behave like gals and vice versa, let me just say this : one vision of me in an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini ( with Chewbacca style extra hairy legs ) will have all the women scurrying back to the mandir praying to get the genders right again :)
P.S. Great post :) Hehe..
I cant tell u how alike we are....i totally agree with the whole list to say the least.
Totally Su post! :P
I agree with you that on certain things, men should be men and women should be women.
You know, like getting up and getting the kids ready for school, and him taking the kids to the bus stop sorta thing.
There are some things that just have a charm of being stereotypical! Though the other times, Take a break!
Loved the post! HUGS!
that was my list
Funny! :) And nice too. Quite a few in common too - I have no problem being the only female among men (and used to often be when young, always had more male friends, plus more stamina to party than the rest of the females :D), love action movies, can't imagine passing my days with gossip, and love to drive fast (although now I usually don't, it is still a feeling I relish).
Absolutely astounded that some women would refer to deal with internet or other matters because they were 'mens work'...fine if they are busier than the men, but if they are more leisured then I would consider them to be outrageously entitled princesses.
And superexcited to be able to read a post of yours from a real computer - on iPhone my poor old eyes get tired so I have to give up , so fabulous treat this is :D
u know what? i still remember the day when u wrote...mmy kumbh mela sister thinks like men..:P
I so got this post of urs..chuck the guys..let them be the way they want to..and let them allow us to do what they want..I was tagged for the same thing some months back..i did not do it,because i did fear the blogging world will outrageously question me "madhu? tu ek ladki hai? " But u kow what? i may just do it anytime soon..inspiration jo milaa hai..:) :)
I have so many things in common with u..i hate gossip,i am a total straight-on-your-face kind of girl...But that does not make me hate chivalry or occasional blushings..but yes,if men think that i am their TYPICAl girl..they've got it all wrong.
Or may be i can just link them to this post and say.."su has answers to ur questions!"
I just loved the dialog ‘Jao tum bhi kya yaad karoge ke kiss cheez se shaadi hue hain’.. I guess, this stands same for all girls like us.. :D
Couldnt agree with u more.. wrote perfectly, i was noding at almost all the things. ya there is charm in being a women n machoism in bein a men, would definitley not like to change it, though some here n there is definite go go...
ha ha...aap and aapka naughty mind!! he he...SC...it was real fun to think of all what u said. And indeed "Jiska kaam usiko saaje".
Thoda bahot sharing and caring theek hai, but agar role reversal ho jaaye to ho gaya fir!!Anyways,
As usual, fun post full of Suruchi element in it!! ;):)
hmm..tomboyish girl gets looks of admiration but think about looks at feminine guy :).
But yeah...It's nice to see girls who don't cry or say 'I feel like crying' immediately after something goes wrong..
And coming to your post, even after being a man you will pay bill once in a while?....I mean , "ONCE IN A WHILE?????????????"....:))
I didn't quite understand second last line.."I manage to get all these things done somehow anyways"..that's fine..but what about walking bare chested?????..heheee..don't kill me..:)
Hahahaha...amazing list..!!
You seem to be a really awesome person!! :) How cool is that!
And yes, I do agree, some things are better left for the men to do...coz they don't look that cute on women...
And yes, chivalry is one of them!
Loved the post..!! Glad to visit after sooo long!
matlab wahh..
am on d knee n wid a big diamond ring suruchi ji :P... full on proposal hai dekh lo ;p..
d 9 odd point abt u,, tk my brtge away :P.. top gun style.. harley wud b d bike in dis case tho...
n karan joharish... awesum.. no offnse bt i find guys keeping d karva chauth vrata toooooooooo lame... concpt hi faltu hai waise toh.. but only if i cud lay d rules.. world wud b a diff plcae.. u sure wud b d queen f dat world :P...
abb aur tareef kya karun apki... plus yeh duriyan :P janmo ki kahani.. LOL.. nah cant get more chessy.. but ur sure one catch suruchi ji.. kya yar itni jaldi karli shaadi apne.. :P..
chalo d proposal is still on.. goal keeper at d post doesnt means one cant score..shud keep trying till i succed :P.. baki toh alga janam hai hi :P :P ...
gud refreshing read.. aftr long.. tk care woman n u so mk me fall in love wid u :P.. okay chesy n filmy again... doesnt suites me.. chalo aap samjh hi gaye hoge.. samajhdar ko ishara kafi hota hai... :P tk cr n keep posting..
PS getin a harley is one f my goals in lyf..
PPS hope u having fun bein d hot mommie :P..
I have been raised in a family where there has been no role allotments wrt gender. And that is what I believe in.
Chivalry is not thinking a woman is weak and hence doing this for her. True chivalry is respecting a woman for being a woman. And that suffers no harm when a man cleans her woman's shoes or helps with the dishes.
And lady you talk about having multiple girlfriends as though its a gr8 thing. Are you promoting promiscuity on your blog??!
And that's why we love u :)
*peeking sheepishly from behind the wall* before u throw abuses at me...i was genuinely stuck up with some stuff so was absent from the blog circuit!!
btw u just defined the scenario of a gay man married to a tomboy woman...ohh wait am i again stereotyping...sheesh!!!
and woman u sound like a fun wife...i also want one who is likes....paying phone bills and food bills and always open to threesome(is that much to ask :( )
and pls dont dance on table...we dont want u hospitalized fr weeks!!
Hi A,
Yup men=women rocks...
Arre...multiple girlfriends waala line sirf thode kicks ke liye bola....
Dekhe to how such a complex situation would give ‘highs’ to you guys...and teasing females does not make guys indecent...
Of course I meant in a nice way:-)
And thank you for the ‘intelligent’ woman tag...
Gossiping is actually such a waste of time;-)
Hi Tanvi,
Haha...we are complex, aren’t we?
We want things but don’t want to ask...
We get bugged but try not to show and then get angry that others don’t get to know:/
Off...and then the guys say THEY have a tough time understanding us...
WE have a bloody tougher time understanding ourselves:-)
And three cheers for us ‘no-girly girl’ types:-)
Hi Biky,
You don’t need to be a girl to get pampered..
Ask my husband:/
He lives like a king though he’d never admit it:-)
And lol at the ‘red shirt’ waala mera hain;-)
And koi doubt na rakhna dil mein...actually sab straight hain..tried n tested;-)
And thank you for poore karna of my three wishes....
I suddenly feel like ke chalo mere kuch aakhri ichayen to poore ho rahe hain n I almost see u like a cute little gennie:-)
And aapko koi utha ke patak de...aise koi maaye ke laal paida nahi hue;-)
And yes only a man can hope to get a dekho at “lochas”....
Women generally dread such scenes:-)
Thank you for the appreciation, Biky!
Hi Ayu,
Thank you...
And me getting a little mad would be exciting...
Better than seeing me fully mad, that is:-)
Hey Jack,
Haaaaaaw...u actually have a discussion with yourself over the fact that whether or not you should read my blog...
Hey bhagwan..inko maaf kar do..inhe pata nahi ke yeh kya kar rahe hain;-)
Please convey my heartfelt thanks to the veto idea:-)
Hellow Rainboy,
That is evolution n thank god for it...
Warna I would be blowing the choolha of my rasoi abhi instead of acting sheepish here on my page;-)
And women who can kick box would definitely be a turn on...anything outside the normal circle of routine is anyday better na, right?
Like for women...a man who cooks a great meal or croons a song for her at a party or enjoys a chick flick with her...is such a treat:-)
And yes...I do hope we get to talk “so much” on this topic n otherwise someday:-)
Hey Roshan,
Hi...did I just imagine you in that teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini and those legs too?
Stop mind, stop!
I already find myself at a mandir;-)
I hope to be able to catch up with your list soon:-)
Hi Ria,
Wow...so glad to have struck a chord...
Here’s three cheers to our alikeness:-)
Hey Sakshi,
Wow...has shayon been told he has to go to the bus stop every morning and also get the kids ready?;-)
Hugs back n loads of love
Hi W3,
Sooooo good to see you here again...
You were missed!
And now that we are back from dear old America...I hope to see you around here and on your page also, spreading the pearls of wisdom:-)
And talk about ‘princesses’...I actually know some:-)
Wished my guts out to be one...and settled for being a once in a blue moon one;-)
N congrats on being able to read on a real computer...
And those poor old eyes should be mentioned as pretty cool eyes:-)
You are a sweetheart
Hugs n love
Hi Mady,
Arre...Madhu kab se darne lage of what the blogging world would say
The Mady that I know cares two hoots about such things:-)
That’s why I call you my Kumbh mela sis:-)
We do like to keep people at the edge of their seats don’t we?;-)
Kya fayda to get their cute rear sides extra comfy;-)
So go ahead n do the tag...
And koi kuch bole na...to mera naam le lena...
Long argument ke dar se*seeing the length of my posts* waise he bhaag jayega:-)
You are super generous with me darling:-)
Hi Sameera...
I do keep marooing that line to him and he only here’s the “jao” part in it n disappears before I can finish the rest of the Oscar award winning dialogue;-)
Hi DI,
Thank you for nodding with me gurl,
And yes...charming women n macho men is how god wanted the world to be...
Charming men and macho women...thoda distorted lagta hain na:-)
Though in degrees, it is all welcomed:-)
Hi Rahul,
Thank you for the great seekh of ‘jiska kaam usiko saaje’
I can trust you for these pearls of wisdome:-)
And trying to find that ‘suruchi element’ yaar...
Abhi tak nahi mil raha:-(
Hi pRasad,
Ji bilkul..thinking about the looks at a feminine guy....
Offooo...not thinking now:-)
Haha...you got the moral of the story...
Yup..once in a while...abhi ‘getting pampered’ waale instincts by default hain...woh waise ke waise he rahenge:-)
And I would not kill you...magar khud nahi kar sakte to kisse se karva to sakte hoon na...now let your imagination wander;-)
Hiyya Pavitra...
Where have u been gurl?
Me glad too that u visited here again...
Some readers you miss coz they’ve been with you from the start
You are one such cute heart
Hope to see ya around:-)
Hi Sobhit,
Wow...I have NEVER had a full on-on the knees waala proposal...
Matlab “on” other things waale bahut hue...
But this is a new cherishing waala moment for me;-)
And how I wish you could lay the rules...
The world needs a bit of revamping..whether I am the queen of it or not;-)
And cheesy suits you to the core...
I sooooo love when you propose to me like that...
Ekdum bindaas
N also to the janam janam reference:-)
Hope we both get some harley action:-)
cheesy suits me to d core ?? :( kya yar le li apne toh ,, galat baat... but khair.. now making it more chesy by sayin smthin lyk dat....nah, i rathr not :P.. baki as i said samjhdar ko ishara kafi.. :P
PS. am curious yeh on other thing wale kaunse proposal the ?? :P :P
When you visit everyday but find no new post then someday due to paucity of time you feel " let me see it tomorow", isn't it?
Take care
su...does G know about your crazy ideas...he must be counting his lucky stars to have such a witty funny wife and now a pretty princess too :) God bless you sweetypie and have a beautiful Diwali with our daku baby
i tohtally agree with you... sterotypes are cool but sometimes going to the other side is always cooler :)... that was a cool write up... i loved the jokes and the whole concept of it... sach may suruchi, what's with the world going unisex... confusion ho gayi hai who's a guy who's a gilr... seems like its only the nature given parts that makes the difference :P *which we cant see all the time :P*.... and ur rgt on this... liked it... kinda loved it actually :)
and thank you for so swt of a comment :), it was great seeing you there :)
take care and keep writing...........
you are tagged :D
long post, but i dint know it till i got thru it.. loved it for your observations.. well as far as role reversals go, i guess its an interesting concept for a movie, but in real life, unless it's balanced, it'd suck :D
hey suruchi... missed you girl! sorry i haven't been around much... the usuals! :/
loved the post... if i were a guy i'd have lots of girl frnds for sure hehe!
just saw ur new dp... you look thinner... lost weight recently? How's the baby? tc :)
hey...belated happy diwali, suruchi!
hope all's going great.
haven't visited for a while, so thought i'd say hi.
Yeh post padh ke bahut 'Shanti' Mili..
('Shanti' Pasand nehi toh 'Aasha' Ya 'Khushi' Se kaam chalalo..! Hee Hee..!!)
Yep.. World is changing.. So are the thought processes in us.. 'Stero' Types are changing to 'Cd-Player' Types..
After the introduction of 'Mahila Morchas' & 'Nari Bachao Samithis' Hum logon ki Watt lag gayi thi.. Aap Andhere mein 'Prakash' jaisi aayi Ho..
('Prakash' Pasand nehi toh 'Jyoti' Ya 'Kiran' Se kaam chalalo..! Hee Hee..!!)
Jokes apart.. This was a very fundoo post jisne mera funda hila ke rakh diya..
In my home we have distributed jobs in a 'MU' basis.. Weekdays ghar sambhale woh aur Weekends ghar sambhaloon mein.. LOL !! Jabki Weekdays mein mujhe Office bhi sambhalna padta hai.. Aur Weekends mein madam ko mujhe sambhalna padta hai..!!
Hey Ram..
So you see 'Mutual Understanding (MU)' or 'Parasparik Samjhouta (PS)' is nothing but supporting or sambhalooing each other.. Lekin Jyaada Support bhi nehi karna chahiye, warna khud ke support ke waande padjayenge..!!
Thats what your post says to me.. Hai na...
As Always, You Are The Best..
ohhh my we have so much in common Suruchi! i hate sitting around a bunch of women and gossiping too...and i hate the hindustan pakistan divide at parties b/w men and women...i ofcourse am to be found near the men :)
how are you doing sweetie..hope you had a great festive season. saal mubarak to you and your family. :)
Hi Cin,
That is the best way to raise kids...
Why demarcate things as being ‘girly’ or ‘boyish’?
And I so loved your definition of chivalry...
Now if more men thought like we women think...won’t the world be such a happy n bright place..also a peaceful one:-)
And arre...just for experimentation purpose, I would want to have multiple girlfriends..
Pata to chale kiss types ke kicks milte hain is mein that the trend is so popular among the guys...
I mean we women find giving ourselves so devotedly to just one man, a bloody draining experience...
How in God’s name is it viable n possible to please so many at the same time?:)
Hi HR...
And that’s why we love you too...
So much in so few words:-)
I don’t know what I did to deserve so much love from you:-)
Hi BF...
Abhi throw karna he hain to why to throw abuses;-)
And being absent from the blog circuit is okay...
But being absent from ‘tumbling thoughts’ n ‘tears n rain’ is not okay...
So please make your presence felt more often...it is highly desirable n highly fatal to your health in case you don’t comply:-)
And wait...did you just call someone a gay man n someone else a tomboy woman...
This requires an entirely new blog page for explanation;-)
And meine ‘threesome’ ke liye kab okay kiya oye?
And dancing on the table won’t get me hospitalized for weeks...aur aisa hua bhi to don’t u worry...I’ll be hosp-blogging still;-)
Hi Sobhit,
Arre...I meant you being cheesy is good for me na...
I get compliments ke baarish...
So what I meant actually should be your being cheesy suits me to the core:-)
Arre...other things waala proposal aise pochoge to we will have to worry about you being ‘samajhdaar’...ishaara kaafi karo na abhi;-)
Hi Uncle Jack,
You have explained it so cutely...
You would be the cutest 50 year old on this planet:-)
Hi Su,
Nopes...G does not read my blogs...though he gets briefed about what I write...
I wonder how aghast or pleased he would be if someday he actually found time n patience to read through my page...
Not all G’s are like yours, na?:-)
But he does count his lucky stars...though after 5-10 of that counting he manages to say “etc” and forget about it;-)
Happy Diwali n loads of love to both of you too...
The most adorable couple in India:-)
Hi Thousif,
Hmm...nature given parts mein bhi aaj kal alteration ho jaata hain...
What a confusing world is this!:-)
Thank you for the cool comments...
I need a jacket now...offo...bad joke...sorry...can’t resists maaro-ing Pj’s
Unisex is a scary thought btw...
Just as scary as bisex is perhaps:-)
Hi Choco...
Wow...a tag after a long while...
Hope I am able to live upto completing it:-)
Hello Jane,
That’s such a compliment girl...
“To not know of a long post till you get through it”
I am gonna cherish this one:-)
Thank you
Hey Mehreen...
Such a long time, beautiful...
My page sorely missed you too:-)
And not lost weight yaar...gyming/walking all is on hold thanks to Seeya baby who is growing naughtier by the nano second...
Though cuter too...so I will survive I guess:-)
Hiyya Mohit,
Thank you n wish u a very Happy waali Diwali too..
May the festivities never end at your end:-)
And haanji...please visit more...
Your page as well as mine...
As it is there is dearth of good looking hunks here in blogosphere...
Jo thode bahut hain woh bhi aisa karenge to kaise chalega na?;-)
Hi hi ji AIT,
I absolutely loved your punny wit on the comment...
And still wondering why you don’t write more:-(
And then I think of the long nights of naye naye shaadi n give up on the thought;-)
Aap Shaanti se kaam na chalo...ghar mein ashaanti na ho jaaye:-)
And stereo types and definitely becoming CD playes...LOL, LOL, LOL...
Only you could have thought like that...besides me of course;-)
Mein koshish karonge ke mein prakash ko failate jaaon hamesha...
Aur failana pasand nahi to nichodna..dobona...bhagana...jo aap kaho:-)
And support karte raheye...
MU system rocks...
I am sure you have omitted to tell us of the “fringe” benefits there;-)
Thank you for the visit...you know I always love it when you do:-)
Hey Persis,
Yup...so my kinda girl...
If only I was half as drop dead gorgeous as you are...
I would term you too as my Kumbh mela ke bichade hue sister...
N I LOLed at the hinustan-pakistan division theory...
Let me bring it up next time when this happens and ask everyone to uphold shaanti n amalgamation;-)
Thank you for the good wishes sweetheart...
I am just about settling now into the idea that I am a mother now n hence my life as such takes a back seat...at least for a while...
I wish u n your hubby a beautiful year filled with love n lovely moments of togetherness...
*that includes trips for shopping too where you may splurge n splurge n he just obliges n obliges with a smile of course:-)*
arre eithr ways chessy toh mein hi hua na ... :-/.. chalo aab apke liye yeh bhi sahi ;p ;p
arre apke samne toh sari samjhdari khatam ho jati hai :P.. kuch samjh nahi atta.. bas apke satya bol vachan sunayi dete hai :P.. toh sab puchna hi padega na .. kuch dikhayi nahi deta.. kuch sunayi nahi deta.. bas aap hi aap ho :P :P...
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