Amazing people who make me go on n on n on:)

13 October, 2010

The Hairy Story the last one does not rhyme in the context...but homophonic-ally*I know that’s not a word either*it suits the tongue so, I’d let it stay!
For lesson No. 1 baby, whatever suits the MUUUUUUUST let it stay! ;-)

Okay...back to the context...
What is it about hair that evokes so much hue n cry?
If they are not there*but most needed THERE!*
If they are there*but OMG not wanted THERE!*

If they are not enough*and create a trickle where there should be a cascade*
If they are more than enough*and create a bush in place of a meant the eyebrows here by the way*

If they are black*when the rest of your body screams you are pre-historic*
If they are white*when you haven’t even developed your wisdom tooth*
When they rise all over the place or fall all over one!

OMG...I think I am going to have hair-nightmares tonight...
Hair-scare, anyone?*what lengths I have to go to, to satisfy my many sacrifices n self torture...ah, someday my worth shall be learnt*
 Anywaysss...I would now take you through some hair adventures through my history and knowledge...I hope they do not turn into hair-raising ones!

I remember the first time my dearly beloved had come to “see” me, along with his jing-bang of a family*not that they believe in too much bang-bang...or do they...or whateeeeeeever...I intend to stay married please don’t ask for details*

We were given some alone time by the pool side of this hotel to get to “know” each other better. I have mentioned earlier that mine is a purely arranged marriage...but let me restate it for those of you who were born late*well, that does not imply I am ‘ancient’ dodo, that states you were a douche-bag to be so non-updated on me*

Oooffo...where were we?
Ya, right...So, let me retell my tale of our first meeting!

We queried on our education*which our mothers had already told us about* then went on to hobbies*yes, it was like an appointment interview...thank god they do not ask about the ‘experience’*
And then about friends and hang outs*hmm...character assassination...oops...I mean assess-ion...what ass of words!*
And finally it melted...the ice of course!

So my beloved threw his volley, in his true blue Raja Harishchandra style...
“Let me tell you two things very clearly about myself...”
I am listening with very intent ears waiting to be audience to a very earth shattering revelation *and my mind’s thinking-he has an affair...he’s gay...he likes my mom better...aaaaaaah...shut up my mind!*

“Firstly, I have less hair on the head...”
And he bowed his cute head down to show me the commencement of his journey into eventual baldhood...baldism*okay stupid ‘Word Review’ tell me the god damn word* BALDNESS...phew...finally!*
But actually it was a sparsely spaced kinda mound in between...

“And secondly I like watching girls....”
Yes...yes...yes...I still walked the aisle with this guy!

His brutal honesty is a trait that I still cherish*alrite...remove that smug smile off your faces...I know what you are thinking...she agreed because the same was the case with her...Oye, hellooooooo...that does not imply that “I” was balding or that “I” liked watching GIRLS!!!!!!!!
Please get the drift for I don’t have much energy to explain!*I have to complete a long post here, remember!*

So first real association with hair-bare talks!
Since’s much ado about nothing on the head actually!

He carries a comb more dedicatedly than the most conscious of models...and before getting out of the car, he HAS to comb his hair although I tell him, darling not even one strand of what you have on your head has moved even by a centimetre...but talk about hair fetish!

Why I remember the hair today, you ask?
1. I saw a man this evening during my walk treading towards me in slow steps and I noticed something peculiar about him...He had abnormally large*no, not those*abnormally large*please stop picturing things till I give you details*
Abnormally large EARS!
I was watching him with wonder and as he came closer, much to my horror, I realized it was not an extension of his ears, but a spray of obnoxious hair forming a maze at the edges of both his ears!
You know, like a spool of thread wound in a messy bunch and stuck there! was a completely OM good G ewwwweee situation!

2. I have two dear friends who are bald...and they light up my facebook status often with their unbeatable humour and wit! So I have been researching with professional experimentation and inferences on a possible world altering premise that baldness is directly proportional to razor sharp intelligence!
I was so tempted to conduct this experiment is a greater degree outside the temples of Tirupati Balaji...but then on deeper speculation hopped into the conclusion that complete surrendering*or accepting destiny’s verdict of natural loss* of hair FOR LIFE alone, would lead to the desired consequences*just to make this sound more technical n hence believable*!
So there’s hope for all you dumb guys...and stop gloating The Bald Guy!

3. Baldness seems to be in dear blogger hunk buddy Mohit, recently decided to go bare*relax, I mean just on the head...much to the disappointment of bevy of beauties* and he seems to be loving it!

And why wouldn’t someone? I mean:
You become a sure shot head turner...whatever the least you don’t have to do weird things to stand out in a crowd!
You get to stay forever you ask...well, the first indications of old age are white hair, no tell tale...offo how duh can you be to not get that on your own!

It is also economically feasible:
No expenses on shampoos, oils, combs, hair spa, colouring or straightening, hair cut, dermatologists!
Heck you even weigh less on the weighing machine, minus the hair*what more can one ask for!*

4. I recently got a new hair cut...that makes people think I look younger and slimmer*wtf...and I blew so much money on gym and facials...if someone had told me it was THAT easy, how much of my khoon-pasene ka kamai would have still been with me...
So for the benefit of the rest of the world...I have hereby declared another breakthrough brain wave!
*you can send the thank you notes along with the cheques expressing gratitude on my email address above*

Enough on hair for today I suppose...
Before the hair fraternity decides to boycott me and send my luscious, cascading tresses on the extinction way!
Have a hairy life...I mean hari-bhari or rather black-bhari life*reminds me of the awesome ad of Blackberry boys*! :-)


Vagabond said...

your blog makes me smile =)

Ramit Grover said...

Gee thanks.


Ramit Grover said...

Told you, there is something about that guy that I like.

Ramit Grover said...

Just like ok?

Plain old platonic like.


Ramit Grover said...

I'm not gloating.


Suruchi said...

Thanks Bhavika...
My blog n blogging makes me smile too:-)

Suruchi said...

@err..sorry could not get the name there...
But thank you:-)

Suruchi said...

Finally I get something besides your yawns here...
Yiy yiy yiy...
They were making me kinda dizzy btw;-)

And I assume the guy is my G..
And platonic "like"...hmmm;-)
And keep up the smiles:-)

Lady Whispers said...

You forever make me smile :)

Gives me hopes seeing receding hairlines of my guy :P....but then he is thinking of transplants :P so not everyone likes baldness even among guys :D

But i remember this friend of mine who went to UK for studies and post it has never grown hair as bald was hot there......and on his engagement his bald shined more than both his and his fiance faces :P

Rià said...

Ha ha u never fail to make me laugh!! Interesting post. :) And yes some bald men look really sexy too. ;)

Bikram said...

he heehe Suruchi what do i write now , your hubby My kind of man yippeee ok i did not mean in THAT Way I meant in THIS Way
wink wink wink if u know what i mean ...

NExt time he me going for a walkabout watching you know WHAT.... unko bhejo yahan loads here to watch ...

mera bhi DIL lag jayega he hehehe..

You know i could not understand this hair fetish till i had my turban, for me it was the turban fetish everything to be immacualte take 45-to hour to tie one.. ok ok u getting bored i am daviating from the HAIR .. so I could not understand this fetish.. but when I got my hair cut i could understand , PERSONALITY ka sawaal hai bhai.. baal

idhar udhar nahin hone chahiye... in the end i just gave up and cut them so short na rahenge baal na hoga koi fetish and shaved them too so no tension :)

By the way Abnormally large what did you mean THOSE.. did not get you bataiye zara , No i mean tell me what do you think we thought to be abnormally large .. i know u said ears but what did u think we thought.. PLEASE EXPLAIN...

oooohhh ok did not like the next few lines thats really EEEWWWWWWWWWWWW yuck even i wud say

What was that come again ,, completley OHT .. over head transmission on the second point i am like KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Bald is goood sachin I loved it when it was there and every day i think of doing it ... but winters are coming i will give it a go in summers and you say the right things no one sees the white hair.. BTW I dont have a single white hair in my head yeah
abhi to main javaan hoon ... dont you think otherwise remember tum, main or G for that time out :) and yeah leave the servi home :) he hehehe

and totally yes to the economic side.. as such recession and to top it redundancy SCARE at work is hovering over my head which is scary news so why spend money of useless things like shampoo,

oils etc .. by the way OIL kyun , woh bhi lagate hain kya mujhe kissi ne bataya hi nahin kabhi Ohhhhhhhhhhhh am i missing something PLEASE ADVICE..

and Weighing machine uska TENSION hi nahin hai.. I am so fat the needle goes full to 1 -2 kilo bhi kam ho jayen it wont budge so uska no tension to me ...

HAir cut karwaya lai hamne to dekha hi nahin.. thats not right.. :)

Nice post you have this knack of bringing a smile ... Thank you

Sameera said...

I was reading some post of your's when i realized that the template has been changed. I am so very addicted to your blog..
Coming to the post, one of my best buddies actually cribs about how he is getting bald day by day. I guess i need to send him the URL of your blog. :P

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

Hmm.. ur post simply leaves a smiles, thnks to ur honesty n humour... loved reading..

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

haha.. lovely post.. i prefer to call it my Andre Agassi look actually.. initially when it was just grey hairs, it was the George Clooney look.. but then it rapidly started turning from Clooney to Looney ( big difference between the two, when "watching girls" ) :D

Amnn.......//1! said...

what ever suits the tounge u should keep it i agree ..!!1
and loll..
tats wat he saide on ur first meet ..!!
actually u know good point y exactly do thye not ask bout experience in the marriage interview .!!
i will ask for sure ...1!

sulagna said...

hmmm as always Su leaves me with a huge smile and wondering how lucky are G and You...he actually proclaimed his foray into baldhood baldism balness to you first :)

and oh i see TBG will be a very happy man :)

Thousif Raza said...

ha ha ha... that was an awesome post... really cool :) loved it suruchi :D... great work yaar :)... very different from what i always read... and some situations were hair pulling ones :P... i managed it through the end :)... nice one :)

take care and keep writing..........

Mr Happy said...

kya baat hain suruchi ji,,,

Hair par Phd kari jaa rahin hain :P

kuch log kam hair hone se pareshaan hote hain aur kuch log jaada :P

saw one child movie yesterday where one child was saying to other , acha huan apan bade nahin hain warna roj shaving karni padti ;)

Suruchi said...

Hi Scribbling girl,
My beloved does not like those he won't mind popping in pills to save the day...
But find him sick on any other day n ask him to take a normal Combiflam n watch him create drama:/

Such are guys:-)
Lolzzz to ur friend's story though;-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Ria,
Thank you for agreeing...
Waise bald or not bald...
Where the F@#$ are the sexy men these days?;-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Biky,
Jitna bhi wink, wink kar lo aap...mein sab samajh gaye hoon...
Pehle it was my servant on my fb status, ab now mera hubby bhi...
Hey bhagwaan...ghor kalyug;-)
Hehe...kidding...mereko bhi le lena yaar...u guys watch what u watch best n I’ll also find some time pass to keep me busy...since the two cute guys with me would be busy elsewhere;-)

Yeh wink wink waala situation hain yaar Biky...
Khud samajh it is I am so obnoxious on my page here...
Ab yeh bhi bata diya to censors lag jaayenge;-)

And yup..u guys n ur hair fetishes...carry on...
Woh oil se matlab hair oil baba...taaki aapke baal kaale n ghane rahen...
N since u have no white hair*kya baat hain...I am like checking u out now*
The oil would keep them black forever:-)

And come on...woh weighing machine waala comment exaggeration kiya na?
U look so super fit...
Hair cut ke pics aise bhi great nahi to upload them...
Let’s wait for some occasion n then woh bhi aa jayenge:-)

N I seem to be making everyone smile in the comment box here....
Thank u guys:-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Sameera,
Thanks for the praise that u always always come up with...
I am addicted to such comments...
So may god keep us both addicted;-)

I try to change the template to suit the mood of the post...glad u noticed:-)
And yes, do send your friend my URL...we should always spread the good word..
N in case he needs more expert advice...
No sweat...
Mein hoon na;-)

Suruchi said...

Hi DI,
Thank u for the smiles...
It is a making my efforts worth it to see so many people saying that they smiled becoz of me:-)
Please do keep coming back

Suruchi said...

Hi Pythoroshan,
Hmm..the Andre Agassi look is coooool...
I would prefer the Jude Law look there...
But what the heck...
Clooney, Agassi or someone else...
Ke faraq painda hain...
I have seen ur display pic n can vouch for the sexy quotient;-)

And as regards “watching girls”
I have come to the final conclusion that this is the by default hobby of every full bloodied male species..whether they admit it or not..
What say?;-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Amnn
Chalo someone got my gyan on the suitability to the tongue observation;-)

And yup...that’s exactly what he said when he first met me!
Some nerve actually...when I now think of it;-)
And woh experience waala idea bhi...highly dangerous...
Try only at your risk:-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Su,
It was not look the poor guy had any choice...
Agar batate nahi to chup thode jaana tha...yeh WAISA waala sach nahi tha na;-)

And yup...thankfully TBG has not yawned here today;-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Thousif, pull hua na?
I hope all izzz well:-)
Thank u so much for the lavish praise...
But then what do you “always read” that made this piece a different one...
Now I am wondering...

Great to see you here...
Hope to keep up the hopes:-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Mr Happy,
Agar aap mereko suruchi “ji” bolna band nahi karenge to mein aapko Mr Happy ji ya Lincoln Ji bolna shuro karne waale hoon:( woes na!
Har kisse ko koi na koi shikayat hain;-)

neeha said...

Hi Suruchi,
Your post really makes me laugh..
Visited your blog for the first time, I love the way you share your feelings,emotions,incidents blah blah...Hope one day,I too have the freedom and guts to share all that stuff in my blog....

Anonymous said...

Good post. Liked it, and obviously had a nice laugh also..!!! (-: | :) :D :P *Wink*

~ Ajay Kontham

Mr Happy said...

acha "jI" aapko "JI" suffix lagana band aur aaj se prefix lagana shuru ....

"JI suruchi" ... :P

yup some hairy woes , I call hairy ppl Baal ki dukaan ...

usse yaad aaya "Maal ki dukaan" hoti to kitna acha hota :P

rainboy said...

I come back to blogger after ages and You didn't disappoint me at all :P I never want to go bald NEVER!!! I love my hair hehe
I like to keep them short and neat.

Never say that your workout in gym weren't worth the money*you know better.

baaki aapki pehli mulaqat ke baare mein jaan ke kaafi achha laga...honest bandon ka koi chance to hai hehehe

TAke care S

Anonymous said...

man..those pics i tell u.. Seriosly GROSS!
HAir woes? Boy oh Boy! Ive had a hell lot of em..till dove conditioner and shampoo came to my rescue { are the team people reading? this ? :P }

For girls its hell important to have hair..and beutiful ones..:P

I kind of love bald guys..My first crush was andre agassi,then i thought akon looked good..:)

Now i like that guy who hosts "america's Got talent"
:P :D

Me said...

I think Bald men are sexy..... make me drool :D :D

Loved ur post... bhayee :D

Suruchi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suruchi said...

Hi Ajay
Thank you for the laughter n the winks n the smileys:-)

Mr Happy ji
Ji Suruchi karoge to ji huzuri types ho jaayega na...
Na na...
Ji shabd he bekaar hain..unnecessary mein itne respect de deta hain:-)

N yup...hopefully u’ll be showered with maal ke dukaans;-)

Suruchi said...

Hey Neeha,
Thanks I feel like on top of the world with so many people laughing...
It is great when people laugh at what u say instead of at u;-)
My blah, blah will go on,
Hopefully I’ll see more of u to share it with
And you never need guts to share what u feel like sharing...just the teeny weenie first step towards it:-)
Hope u manage to make yours:-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Rainboy...
So glad that u came here after ages n came by...
And I hope your hair support you so that the never u stated never happens:-)

And sahi mein gym ne kuch great nahi kiya...
I lost 3 kgs after leaving the gym n post Seeya...
Makes me wonder kya locha tha wahan....maybe the trainer did not want me to go thin n stop coming to the gym..hehe...
Exaggeration to koi mere se sekhe:-)

And honest bandon ka he chance hain...old school like u rock...ask me how I gloat at having my G:-)

Suruchi said...

Hey Mady,
Gross na...woh hair all over waale....ewwww.....
And Dove people better be listening...
Now u make me wanna go out n try them out too...the shampoos that is...we’d save the “people”;-)

Oye hue..bald guys have a reason to rejoice...
Mady’s crushes seem to hint at their popularity...
Thanks for always dropping by!

Suruchi said...

Hi Hrashita
Thank u ji...
And I think bald men are sexy too...for though they wear no hair, they wear loads of attitude:-)
Hope to see u around:-)

Prithwish....... said...

ha ha ha ha..nice one suruchi...i really love the way u think and analyse stuff :):)


Nipun said...

The biggest benefit of being a 'chrome dome' is: odds are that no one would bother to ask you for your ID (to verify your age) while buying liquor or while buying "something" at a medical store . This is really beneficial for people who go prematurely 'cue-ball'.

Shriti said...

hahaha.. nice post :D

rantravereflect/ jane said...

I liek ya shifting thouts--- haaaa--> lol@ de eyebrow twig innuendo.. n yeh de blackberry connection in the end :)well, for me, daddy is bald n hubby styll is not--> n they're both taurians, sooo i'm just thinking there is no connection between stars n strands of hair... ;)

Jack said...


I am back now. Read 4 pending posts. One may have some logical reasons for anonymity. I am in touch with a number of blogmates and have met a few after we have exchanged mails. It took me sometime to control my laughter before I could move on from your Wishlist. Well, I too have had some wishful daydreams. I think I will take it up as post as you have inspired me to do so. Very sound advice from Cupid. Hope those in need can understand and follow it. Hair, again very witty with some tongue in cheek remarks. I had a good laugh at not being asked about experience in the interivew.

Take care

Tanvi said...

You are so funny Su! :) Makes me feel you guys are made for each other ... Does he read your posts? Does he ever has any comments about what you have written? You must share those too!!!

P.S. Late comment coz I was away! But now I am back! :)

Miles Of Style said...

hahah Suruchi your posts are a riot! i have a fun story myself. mine's an arranged marriage too...n i distinctly remember my first thought when i first say my parents in laws to be was that hmmm the dad's nearing his 60s n not hopingly good genes shall prevail in the boy and he too shan't bald atleast till he's 60. :P :P haha
my mom tells me i was completely bald when i was born...maybe that is why im so obsessed with mine and other people's hair :P :P
hair today...gone t'row ;) xo.

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Suruchi said...

Hi Prith
Thank you so much...
I love the way I think too;-)

Hi Choco..
Thank u baby:-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Nips,
Haha...looks like we touched a raw nerve somewhere, did we?;-)
Next time they ask u for ur ID ya phir when u go to buy “something” at the medical stores...mera naam le lena...sab kaam theek ho jaayega bachcha...
I know what you are going to say...sab kaam tamaam ho jaayega;-)

N since u find so many benefits of the chrome dome scenario...
Here’s wishing it comes around to u too....
Kidding...explode hone ke zaroorat nahi:-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Jane,
Thank god someone understood the eyebrow/twig innuendo...
Thanks for adding the star connect to the analysis...
What would the world be without us “thinking” souls?;-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Jack,
Great to see u back here again...
Aapko blogosphere ne miss kiya:-)

Thank you for going through all the four pending posts....
Wow...this is such a huge compliment..
Please take up that post on ur dreams...would be so interesting to know how someone thinks at a later stage in life...
It might indicate if I have hope or scope of improvement;-)

Thanks again for being patient n kind enough to be remarking on all of them...
You are such a sweetheart:-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Jack,
Great to see u back here again...
Aapko blogosphere ne miss kiya:-)

Thank you for going through all the four pending posts....
Wow...this is such a huge compliment..
Please take up that post on ur dreams...would be so interesting to know how someone thinks at a later stage in life...
It might indicate if I have hope or scope of improvement;-)

Thanks again for being patient n kind enough to be remarking on all of them...
You are such a sweetheart:-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Tanvi,
Nopes...G does not read my posts n feels sorry for those who sit through these long recitals...
He’s happy getting a minute long gist of it all:/

Glad to have u back...
I know u must have had a blast:-)

Suruchi said...

Hi Persis,
Wow...I should have noticed the father-in-law too...
But in that case I think I would have not got married at all...
Pa-in-law is bald, has strange food habits n is extremely stubborn about things...thankfully he has a heart of gold n hence that has passed on to my G...though dreading the rest of the traits to follow suit:/

Hope the hair woes stay miles away from ‘miles of style’:-)

Suruchi said...

Dearest Fitness Courses,
I want to keep myself fit too...I don't know if my website would help u in keeping would definitely help u in keeping fine:-)

N in case u get those fitness pass them great need for them:-)

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Really good post!

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