Sometimes I wonder too...
Is it because very few folks in family or friends-acquired not the through the net, actually read me?
*although I always link my posts on my Facebook page so that anyone out of the 400 odd people there can feel free to traverse down the lanes of my mind*
Or is it because on this platform I have made friends with individuals who know me through n through coz they hear/read me speak/rant my guts out about all my issues, which normally no one around me gets to?
*I actually feel no need to vent out my mind to any person once I have done it here to the laptop screen*
Or is it because all*most*of you, dear readers, have no access to my life directly and hence there is no real harm I play a safe n snug game?
I take a long while to trust people with my feelings and opening up before them in actual life...I may do all the hee-haw’s n spend hours in mirth but never really disclose the gory details before them.
The net n blog provides me the breathing space to do so without inhibitions and with a recklessness that sometimes even I speculate on.
Like even I have my Omg moments...
Wtf!!!!!! I am mentioning the frequency of my sex life...or I am accepting that perhaps I may not be inbuilt to be an exemplary mother...or oye hoye, did I just tell the world that I have a big butt, when I could spend hours pondering on how to hide it*not literally hours there btw*!
I also wonder if I had been blogging anonymously, would I be any different.
Well, since I already mentioned the frequency...what worse...mention the poses n positions? Naaaaah...fat chance!
I already enumerated my crushes, my pangs, my desires, my anatomy...
Why the F@#% do I need anonymity when I can do all the damages being myself?
But on second thoughts...imagine the fun being anonymous...
I could mention my devious plans to seduce my object(s) of crush...
I could mention how fantasizing is good for well being...
I could be Agony Aunt...err...Agony Angel to love problems...
I could tell you how I was so good at dates*calendar waale nahi*
I could also be evil and a complete bitch for a change...
I could relate tried n tested formulas on what to do to make a man melt, literally n otherwise, that could save the world...
I could enumerate on the subtle art of evoking compliments from others...
And so much more gyan from my presumably now hypothetical world*eyes glint with devilry*
I spend so much effort n money*yup, the internet does not come for free dude* in trying to convince my dear anonymous blogger buddies to come out of the hiding...It is sometimes very frustrating to be flirting with a faceless think of a blog page and screen words when you try to reminisce about a blogger!
While some have relented...others continue to play games*looking at you Bluntu with squinted eyes and wrath of a woman...okay of a cute woman*
I now enjoy beautiful friendships with a whole lot of my blogger friends on Facebook...
So thank you Pallavini, Amn, Rishi, Ria, Akshay, Achyut, Nico, Tamanna, Rahul, Bhavika, Menkah, Bikram, Hary, Persis, Lincoln, Sobhit, Amit, Ankur, Sulagna, Cathy, Saket, Shayon, Nil, Chandrakala, Vikram, Bishu, Prithwish, Sakshi, Shriti, Sayantan, Tanvi, Malpani, Smrithi and some more people I met on the blogosphere just like that and they now stand witnesses to my life in passing.
These are amazing writers, fashionistas, poets whom I get to know more each day through their statuses n pictures, besides the posts-who opened up their world to me.
*The Bald Guy n don’t get counted in this list n you know why...but you do get counted in being two of my favourite writers n someday I’d succeed in knowing how u look...haah!*
Imagine my plight of may be someday just walking down your hometowns n passing you guys by...
You’d recognize me n I’ll not know that you were there*ahh...matlab no time to doll up to look delicious or at least act as one!*
I am still pondering upon anonymous blogging and its benefits though...
You can be downright dirty, mad, scheming, outrageous, breaking social norms and no one ever knows...
But then why tell the link to those who might know n judge?
Or better still, let them judge.
This is your space n you chose how to be...if they don’t like it, let them sit on the middle finger n spin!
It is better to reveal as you are instead of letting them live in a supposition of how you think they should discern you.
Imagine the burden of existing in apprehensions of them knowing the reality someday- Juggling between make-belief and the truth that is out there!
And then any sensible person who really knows you or is worth you thinking about his opinion would see through how much blabbering is just for fun, or to generate an opinion instead of the actual state of affairs.
Quoting my example, most people do not really take me I’d say I am concerned about the growing ‘heat’ on the planet n they’d think I am making a sexual connotation instead of being genuinely hassled about global warming! Hah! Can you believe that?
Now I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing :-)
I don’t fear judgement... I invite it and that’s my defence!
I am like this only...take it or your loss and go for a toss!
Anyways, most writers suffer from hyper exaggeration syndrome or dramatization of descriptions...
They use words more to hide than to reveal...Hence a few writers often have disclaimers on their page.
They are smart enough to convince you of humour, when they are actually being truthful and make you cringe in their pain, when all they really want is sympathy.
So how sad it is when the humanity does not know or love you for who you are but for a phrase of URL that you project.
Is such a silent admiration really worth the effort?
Come out...say as you as you are...
And the world shall love you still the least those would who are worth keeping would!
P.S. This is not a venture to get anyone out of the hiding...I love all my blogger friends whom I interact with whether they are anonymous or not...It is just a general expression of my bafflement to understand the contentment of an anonymous existence of any kind Vs a less glamorous but honest one!
The blogosphere is known for weird characters n thankfully none that I know here!
"hamar naam likhe hain aap blog maan" *sob sob*
lolzz ... It's their choice . See , I(or for that too , ma'cheire ) am here to you know..reach out to the world and proclaim myself boldly tell things which go on in my over-cooked masala brain .
but then...not everyone's like that . MOST people who write blogs do it to become something they are not, to create a different identity maybe coz they have some 'deeply seated' issues or some psychological crap like that...or they want to keep the 'mystery' aura around them .To each his own lady ...
"judge not those who crave anonmosity , for not everyone inherited thy sexiness "
*sigh* I could have sooo co-authored Bible ! :-D
hm thought provoking,
I personally feel anon blogger are somwhere inscure abut themselves,
but then its their life, they can be anything :)
Hope sum1ne reads ur post and come out of the closet :P ala FIP
hmmm anonymous blogging.. well my old blog was anonymous is one way... people knew me online, no one around me knew what i blogged or even if i did blog and then they started knowing ... i still don't have a clear idea how may knew of that blog
khair... the perfect line was gona be one big anonymous blog.. then i changed my mind :) i choose to write.. i choose to write my heart out... if they dont like me, they can stop visiting... and if they like what i write, they are warmly welcome. as simple as that! :) anything the haters say wont matter now... I THINK BEING A WRITER, YOU SHOULD OWN YOUR WORDS AS WELL! :)
Am I the first one to comment...yeppie..
I believe honest one is anyday better..and wait who says its not the Glam one..look at u..u are as glamarous as one can be in this old age...and had u been anonymous..may be pulling your leg about ur old age, grey hair and poping-out eyes would not have been possible...haha
What a great post! I too have wondered about Anonymous writers. I couldn't be one. I am too proud to be myself, to take my name away from my existence. Thank You for counting me in my list! I am happy to be me :) and it is always entertaining to hear your stories. However I am often bowled over by your honesty. Even I couldn't say things so openly on my blog (yet!)!!!!
P.S. I believe Dusk is Dusk's real name. Not a screen name! :)
It will be hypocrite of me if i say i am not too fond of anonymous bloggers, since i myself have done it for some time in the past. But there is a HUGE difference, i never expected anyone to read it and neither i ever made any friends for it. It was a truly anonymous blog...
Now, i am ok with people trying to hide their identities because of privacy issues. That's completely acceptable to me, but i have a strict problem with those anonymous bloggers who wants to live a "normal" life in the cover of being anonymous....they will follow every blog, they will add you on all Social networking websites, they will message on twitter in the hope of some reactions or may be even sympathy at times...
They will always try and know each and every small detail of you and your life while keeping their lives completely wrapped up, not even giving an know, one point of time i was so fond of anonymous readers writing mails and comments to me...but slowly i realised that everyone deliberately trying to do that....and off course, i had couple of close nasty experiences too....i had cases with my friends also where they have been duped either emotionally, sexually or financially by these so called Anonymous bloggers....
I have no problem with interacting with anonymous bloggers, but i can't reveal my life in front of them without knowing who the hell is there on the other is just not i have made my own rule...if you want to be anonymous, be it...but don't be with me...o.w thank u very much!! :)
Keep yourself Safe from such only suggestion..
Love to Seeya and her mom,
Yawn. Good post. Made my insomnia go away.
Described blogging perfectly...intricacies, benefits... Good job )
My name my name xD *happy dance*
I am a anonymous blogger huh? o.O
ummm I like being so. Idk hehehe but for me its fun xD
loved the post. :)
Thanks for mentioning me hun!! :) *hugs* And coming to ur point, i wud say 'To each, his own' but yes if u ask me i wud never want to be an anon blogger. My purpose is to reach out to as many ppl as possible coz i love to make new friends n know what they r all about & that is certainly not possible if i dont reveal my identity.
I guess perhaps they are those kinda ppl who like to remain mysterious in some way.
This is your space n you chose how to be...if they don’t like it, let them sit on the middle finger n spin!
ROFL.. wot a statement....
n good ur back to ur frequent blogging.. seems seeya growing up jaldi jaldi .. ;)..
cyber space has alwaz been funny.. i guess all f d blogs r anonymous one way or d other.. i dnt deny d fact dat i hv made a cpl f frnds from d blogshpere into my social networkn accnt.. ubeing one f dem :P,,, i blv reading a persons thots n interacting dem in der free writing space tells u pretty much abt d person n den, its one's call 2 knw dm more or keep d anonymity d way it is..
but funny world dis cyber space is .. ucan nvr b sure f a person.. ppl exist will whole fake identitites.. ohew.. velepan ki hadd hai :P... but adding up inFB gives u more confidnce in d person's reality for its d real world ppl der.. (i hope dats d case for most f us..) so nehw.. aap likhte raho.. n fan followng will keep coming.. n wud b so much fun to one day bump into u(not literally... or mayb dat wud b evn more fun ;p) n go HI.. arre aap :P
LOL... so till dat day... fingers crossd n janmo ki promises yaad rakho bas :P
tk care n bless d kiddo.. :D
Awesome though provoking post. But then my dear love Su, there are loads of people who will be in hiding because they are plain scared. Scared to face the world of the realities and the real people that they are.
I remember, how I tried to be anon. too, it was such a bad thing.. coz, I could not even think of pseudo names good enough to entice people.. so I thought, might as well be me.
Who cares!
There are people who would want to know me because of the person that I am. Help me, come forth with their suggestions, with their love and affection if they know who I am. Not because I am pretending to be someone.
Thanks for putting me in that nice nice list of yours! :)
I love you!
WOWO I AM mentioned .. now that so very nice of you, thanks for doing that.
Anonymous yeah i cant understand why would one do that, but then I do think that if someone wants to do that then its there right as long as they dont expect to know everyhting about others..
They should be prepared to be talked to as anonymous .. I hate those who would not want to tell about themselves but want to know a lot abot you...
I am glad that i came up to your blog and I must say you are the few who have been so genuine and good and the bet thing is you say as you see , which is a good thing well in my eyes .. People who manipulate are worse and to be afreaid of..
As usual had a few smiles reading the article.. now why did i not think of having a pseudo name hmmm .. The work i do sometimes I have to be careful what i write or put thats all hence I cant actually write exactly what i want to so it has to be third party sorts...
I had my blog very much private not many knew but now almost all know my family,relatives and my friends too.. Though I hate them for not commenting :) I am very greedy regarding the comments you see he he hh
I am opposite you thats why i call myself emotional fool, I trust everyone too fast, but then i beleive in the old school, where it was told that good people existed.. So i still beleive that good people do esixt look at yourself, I found you and we have shared some jokes and had a laugh about it ...
I could not do anonymous i would have blurted out in the second or third post he he hee Not good at lying i wish i was , been taken for a ride by plenty of people who are so good at lying wish I was good or THAT GOOOD ...
Yeah its better to reveal who you are etc for as they say one lie leads to anothe and then another.. some people are good I am crap..
I dont beleive in what you said "Come out...say as you as you are...
And the world shall love you still the least those would who are worth keeping would".. No way the world is very bad, I have been burnt a few times so bad.. and yet i dont understand and learn.. I am glad i have so many friends who care for me I am what i am good or bad.. THATS ME ... :)
NOW I sm sure this time again when i post this is going to give an errorrr..
good post Suruchi..interesting find time to visit my blog too:)
he he he...good one...great view on anonymous people...i am one of them...though not in your inspired me to reveal the look of mr.lemon. You once asked me to reveal definitely i will reveal my identity as i too believe in your thinking as if u want to write and take a stand on something y not being wat ur...revealing identity next on cards..
I think it's about comfort levels. I agree with Tanvi, in that, I am too proud to hide myself too! :P 'Too proud' although may not be the precise/accurate term but yeah, something like that! ;)
Why we love you is for your brutal honesty itself! I've never seen anyone write so openly about their feelings and fancies. I totally respect you for that. Stay the same.
I'm glad to be a part of your inner circle. :) Definitely meet you when I come home!
Howver, others not disclosing themselves may have a thousand reasons which I understand, if they are what Ithink they are! :)
Anonymousity is Shit!!
Hiding from the world, I don't know for what reasons..:P
I agree to most of the points but then they are also bloggers or human beings.
They also have a life but they have chosen a different way to live in that.
Lets see what do I turn out to be?
Hello lovely lady... well, this is a very interesting post... one I agree with, the general gist of it ie.
Like a superhero mask... anonymity can unleash a hitherto unknown side of a personality, which can be a good thing... and most definitely also a bad thing. Anonymity can breed troll behaviour. Anonymity creates false bravery out of cowardly bravado.
It is very easy to be nasty online behind the security of anonymity.
Likewise I have found that people who would not normally say "boo" to a fly in the real world can be rather vociferous in the virtual one!
..I know this for a fact.
...however... I don't agree with this; "contentment of an anonymous existence of any kind Vs a less glamorous but honest one"
How does the wish for privacy in a public arena sum up as dishonesty?? It's like saying celebrities are not entitled to their private lives and privacy and secrets because they're famous!
As for me... Dusk is my name... And how am I a "faceless person"????????????????
I am hardly anonymous when my photographs are all over my blog. My friends, family, colleagues, clients, neighbours, etc all read my blog. It is a bonus that people I don't physically know read it as well.
I always put my name to my words. I am never anonymous when I leave comments even those that may not be of a flattering nature. I don't hide my opinions.
However i have no wish for all and sundry to know all and sundry about me!!! That is an exchange of 'privilege' I give to those I wish to share this with! Why should every person that reads my blog know what makes me tick... it is enough that I share my spirit.
I'm sorry but I do not classify all as being equal to the meaning of my life. A faceless visitor to my blog should be privy to feelings I would only share with my closest and loved ones??? why? for what purpose?
As for Facebook... woah... I am SO fussy about sharing my privacy , I have not befriended nor accepted requests from people I have known for years!
I actually do use facebook as a way to keep people I care for and trust updated about my life. BUT even then, only a third of my limited facebook friends list actually sees everything.
I have befriended my youngest son but that's to be able to monitor his usage!! He cannot see my profile. Likewise work colleagues I adore... they can't see any pics of me at parties where I'm letting my hair down. etc etc
Privacy and anonymity are two very separate things. And no, privacy in the blogosphere is not an oxymoron. It's the same level as being on a stage, singing from the depths of your being, emoting with intensity and absolute honesty... without having to spill your guts. Figuratively and literally.
hmmm... tooo cool.. u knw i always like it when something mildly serious comes from your mind..
its good to hear..but yea no comparison to the baseless rants which make u rofl..!!
u wont beliv.. when i read ur blogs.. and ur ahem ahem experiences.. trust me.. i just think back of my mind..that i hope and pray that even my wife would have a thought process like you..!!
by what i read .. u are stupid yet smart.. funny yet deep.. and childish yet strong headed..
so good.. have fun blogging.. and trust me.. i did Ctrl+f and typed my name.. just to find out if "malpani" was written.. and there it was.. :p lol thank you..!!
Great post for all bloggers..
liked the part about the growing 'heat' on the planet.. :)
I think it is the most wonderful trait in a human being to be able to be himself or herself in the face of all humanity, because it tells about the person that he/she is free of the chains of approval of other people...something that seems to have become the very core of existence for today's humans.
That said, wanting to be anonymous is a personal choice. Many many writers and poets have lived with pseudo names. But that, in my opinion does not mean a desire to stay hidden, rather living with your alter ego, who is radically different from your public persona, and a desire to keep it a secret, a safe haven where you are what you are, unbiased, unprejudiced and most importantly untarnished by the judgmental and ludicrous world outside.
That's what I think. I hope that made sense. :)
being anonymous can be cool..especially when u want to everything u should not! :p..But on bloggers? do u think people care? I can fake my name..or even write y mom's name down here..whats in the name i ask?
Hey Akshay...
My god you are witty...
And here I thought I had seen it all!
*this is not in response to “thy sexiness” so quoted by you*
Please don’t is great to have fun people like you around...
Hopefully I’ll get more of u soon...
And when u mention the lure of ‘mystery’ behind anonymity...I can’t help but nod:-)
Ya you could have sooooo co-authored Bible...with me, right?;-)
Hi Mr Happy,
Not really insecure...I guess there would be reasons good enough...
But what fun if they give up their issues n breathe free!
If someone comes out of the closet post this...the world can add to one more of the wonders added to my social bit:-)
Hi WS, did not tell anyone of the fact that u blogged?
I remember personally messaging all my near n dear ones on their mobiles of the fact that I had started blogging!
In fact when there were very few people who actually read the blog in the beginning..I would almost sit n ponder of devious ways to get my friends to read:-)
I so agree with the line you highlighted...
Your Perfect line is perfect and here are three cheers to all those who follow n love u for as you are...simple adorable!
Hi Anand...
There are a few people*read that as a whole bloody bunch* who love to pull my leg royally and if they do not get to do so on a regular basis, I am afraid they would find sustenance a difficult prospect!
Please count thy cute self in this list!
Not that I mind* I need a mind to mind that, right?*
It makes my sustenance so much happier and grin-ny:-)
*looking at you with awe-struck popping out eyes and my grey hair standing with shock of the love u showered at me*
Btw..I’d still maintain that ur pic in the Delhi metro was a cuteheart one;-)
Hi Tanvi,
Did I mention ‘Dusk’ too in the list?
Didn’t mean to coz there’s nothing hidden about an error there!
And I so like when you say “I am too proud to be myself”
Way to go girl!
I remember you commenting on many occasions that I have been way too honest...always taken that as a compliment!
And you are also quite open about stop underestimating on that account...we know you on a daily basis almost!
When someone tries to hide or manipulate things, it shows:-)
Hi Amit,
You breathed out exactly my sentiments...
It’s not a problem that someone is being anonymous for the world at large...
But then after a while of association, you’d expect them to open up...for that’s what you are doing too!
I am also always intrigued by anonymous comments...earlier it would make me sit at a guessing game of who could it be for a long while...
Gave that up now!
Got your point of keeping myself safe... are my sunshine...
Seeya n her mom love Amit mamu loads too!:-)
Hi TBG...
I expected a yawn...thanks for NEVER disappointing me!
Hi A,
Thank you...
Thanks and yiyee yiyee...your name, your name:-)
Would so like to know more about you too for u sound like a smart girl with a smart head on her shoulders...
I would not think the reason behind your anonymity is any sort of connivance...just that would love to have a name n face behind such a good writer!:-)
Keep up what u do best!
Hey Ria...
You would of course be mentioned sweetie...
Somehow it is easy to understand some people through their blog posts but difficult to do so with others...
They are complicated...
Hence it is in our own interests to know whom we are interacting that we can set a limit for ourselves of the kinda jokes or repartee we should or should not indulge in... are each his own...
We can only mind ourselves:-)
Hi Sobhit... “bumping” into me...
Lekin phir aapke jo bade bade bumps padenge is zor ke jhatke se, usko kaun theek karega?;-)
Seeya is not growing up jaldi-jaldi*how I wish though she would* is just that mommy is getting thoda-thoda more time to at least put up one post a week!
N reading a blog does not always give a clear indication of the kind of person the writer is...
For eg. me..a couple of my blogger friends think I am a social bee n super cool..someone who parties hard n lives it up...
Whereas I am a more shaant person in real...
N this image is created very unconsciously by me...
Imagine those who consciously work to create an image!
Anyways...looking forward to that bumping;-)
Always a pleasure to have u here:-)
Hi Sakshi...
Baby, I love u too!
That’s a nice-nice list becoz by the grace of god I have been blessed by nice-nice people around me who simply drench me with love n much that I am now madly addicted to it:-)
Scared may be, at least some of them...of the truth that there is!
So all the more essential that they should come out n face the demons...
We can only hope they would :-)
Hi Bikky...
You are not opposite of me...
I am exactly like you...I am a sucker for niceness...
And I believe all people are essentially nice...
How can someone do wrong to you when u keep being nice to them?
Although this policy of mine is not so sensible!
So sometimes it makes me wonder...
And hence this blog...
Like it took me a very short time to get friendly with you becoz you were so very nice in all u was me only who suggested that we should be friends on fb, something that I rarely do...
Thankfully nothing seriously goes wrong...but it could!
I can understand your reasons...
But not those who insist on anonymity for the like playing games:-)
I do not target anyone of the bloggers I know...but this is in general reference!
And yes I am also glad you found me...glad at how amazingly hilarious you are...and also so pleased when I see those moustaches!
Keep them up;-)
Haha..and I am so glad that there is no error in accepting your comment box would be so lonely without your words adding a splash of colour:-)
Thank you!
Hi Rohini...
Thank you..
Sure would visit you...n hopefully soon
I did not mention you in the list...for I did not feel you were deliberately trying to hide anything...
Though I am so glad we can get to see you...
Yiyee yiyee..
When is the preview?;-)
Chalo kuch to acha hua is post se:-)
Hi Tamanna,
Yes...I can see what you n Tanvi mean by being proud of yourselves...
Please count me in, in this club!
‘Good bad or ugly...this is me and for the world to see’ is my little mantra too!
And hence the brutal honesty comes naturally!
And I would also sooooooooooo love to meet u n the whole rest of the gang...
It’s a sweet little world of trust n great bonding that we have formed here!
That’s the occupational perks of being a blogger!
Hi Nipun...
Someone once said, anything if it’s hidden is wrong...
I don’t know how far it is true...but then to an extent it is!
You I guess are not hidden...
Life turns us out as we choose to be...
Thanks so much for dropping in:-)
Hi Dusk..
I am so sorry...
I did not realize that I have added your name to that little list of anonymous bloggers...
Like I was simply an error for we have you splashed all over your page and knowing you in your spirit everyday!
Please accept my apology in case I have hurt you in some way!
Also those who lead dual lives and would like us to believe in something about their personality or attitude which is way too away from the truth!
Also I would like to agree on the fact that privacy and anonymity cannot be synonymous!
I have known people using false Identities and trying to get close on pretence of being someone else...
Also that some bloggers create a larger than life image n lure unsuspecting souls into a kinda idol worship of them!
I guess the post got it all wrong somewhere!
I am sorry again for being so rash with my expressions and wrapping you in this!
Would immediately make corrections on the post!
Hi Malpani...
Omg..this is the sweetest comment ever!
You know it was 4 am last night when Seeya woke up all cranky n after putting her to sleep..I lost mine!
So I thought of updating the comments on the blog via my phone!
And there I read your comment...and I grinned...yup, like a monkey...
And I tried sleeping again...n I smiled again!
Thank you!
You make me sound n feel good...
N I so hope you have a wife who has all my so-called plus points as you deem n minus all the negative ones which I know exist:-)
You are a sweet sweet sweetheart...
One of the most genuine people I have found here...
Like I have mentioned even before...
Honest n noble n gold at heart!
Stay the same...
And thank you so much for appreciating the mildly serious posts...
And also for teaching the duh me the idea behind Ctrl+f;-)
Hi Harsha...
Hehe...someone noticed the “heat” after all, eh?;-)
Hi Cin,
So beautifully put and I can’t help but agree!
Anonymity though not appreciated, but is understandable in cases where the reasons are purely to have an outlet to one’s skills without it interrupting in your life otherwise...
But why an insistence on anonymity with readers or fellow bloggers whom you associate with on a regular basis otherwise?
When intensions are malicious or simply being nasty just becoz you can’t be traced, then it is somewhere not right!
I still don’t get updates to your blog:-(
Lagta hain thoda dimaag lagaana padega;-)
Hi Mady,
It’s not about a name or a face...or rather just about it!
But then at least it gives an identity to someone you interact with!
But then when someone deliberately tries to cheat n remain behind garbs, there is not much we can do about it, is there?
We can only expect them to be truthful!
I guess mein khud he confuse ho gaye hoon what I really wanted to say!
Read the post. And like every other blogger, anon or otherwise, I feel happy when my name is mentioned in a post! :D
Thank you. Thank you. Both for the mentions as well as the squinted eye look of the cute woman :D
I then went on to read the comments and this is what I inferred about myself:
1. I'm trying to become something I'm not.
2. I'm trying to create a different identity coz of some psychological crap.
3. I'm insecure about myself.
4. I'm not honest.
5. I'm not proud about myself.
6. I'm a potential threat emotionally, sexually and financially to "normal" bloggers.
7. I don't like making new friends.
8. I like to remain mysterious.
9. I'm scared to face the realities of the world and to face the real person in me.
10. I'm pretending to be someone I'm not.
11. I shouldn't expect to know everything about others.
12. I'm manipulative and hence "normal" bloggers should be scared of me.
13. I lie a lot.
14. Anonymity is shit. I'm anonymous. Which concludes that I'm shit.
15. I'm a coward and I create a false image of bravery.
15 hitherto unknown facts about me have come to light today and I can only thank you Suruchi for writing such a wonderful post that not only made a great read, but also got me curious on what others would have to say! I leave this place enlightened and amused, but still anonymous ;)
Errr...did you edit the post? I remember reading a list of blogger who are anon and now I can't find it!! :o
I hear you.
Surely doesnt make sense to be hiding away from people with who you are in touch on a regular basis, one cannot help but think that there is gotta be an agenda there.
My allegiance with anonymity purely lies in a scenario where its exclusively oriented towards creative liberty applied in a positive note. Nowhere else. Hence I guess, it'd be only fair to ponder what you're talking about. I hear ya lady, hear ya good.
And about my feeds, guess you dont updates cz Intelligensia's gone private. I am thinking of making it open to all again. Thats just a far flung thought seed anyway. You'll just have to chk I guess. :D
i agree...flirting/befriending faceless and nameless people ceases to be fun after a point of time!
thank you for including me in your friend list sweet sweet very honoured and glad to have found a wonderful friend in you too!
xo, persis.
p.s new giveaway contest on my blog, come n check it out!
Well that makes the two of us then :) yeah this thinking of all are nice will need changing sooner or later :)
ahmm ahmm ahmmm me nice wah ji wah, Let me cut past the URL to this .. so anyone saying otherwise will have ot READ THIS .. yayyyyyyy Without boosting your ego and making you too BIG HEADED and all the blah blah let me say one this You say nice ot me cause you urself are NICE and nice people always things everyone else is NICE ...
Did you get the point .. I am saying YOU ARE NICe .. so refer to the above lines and you will know he he he he :)
thanks for the compliment to the moustaches , they are there for some time now then will vanish, I like to keep doing something at moment I have gone almost BALD too so you can imagine :)
Thanks for the lovely words :)
btw I also wrote in earlier comment that i am greedy of something :) he he hee
wordless wednesday
Offoooo Bluntu...
This post was not targeted on you...
But on some other anonymous bloggers who have been misusing the adulation they enjoy...and this came to light to me!
It was for those who have evil designs but pleasing exteriors!
Not for u or anyone I know through this medium...
Itne saare stupid pointers banaaye...
You think I would still be associating n flirting with u*yes...the harmless flirting waala flirting...I know u are taken...alrite...I know I am taken too:-)*
Had there been an iota of doubt about you????????
Hey bhagwan...either nobody understands me or this was my crappiest post ever that I most royally screwed...
Sorry if I offended you...
*going into my ‘nobody loves me’ mode*
Cin...please make the blog open to public again...
I am checking the blog now...
But then everyone ought to know n read u like they did before:-)
The pleasure is all mine...
And chalo someone’s at least bothering to worry about my flirting instincts;-)
Now what can I say but smile
you know i say self love should always be your first love...of course after princess seeya nd G...but ya there are soem of us who are super confident n thus hide nothing about themselves, others prefer to keep a secret identity for lots or reasons..i know whats TBG's reason so m sure kaafi log aur aise honge..the point is..its always easier to be friends with a person we know than one we only see ..haina??? n of course ones who send you the most beautiful messages when you are low :)
Arre chill yaar. No harm done. I loved the post and the comments too :D
hey..nice really kept me thinking.. i m new at blogging..n wen i go thru the blogs of people i dont knw..i somehow try finding out similariteies between the writer n me..n trust me its fun..infact there r a few ppl i feel so connecetd to tht though i dont knw them personally..hv never met them bt still i feel actually connected to them..well since u dont knw i can evn freely say that at times.getting feedback frm strangers makes me happier than tht by friends...:-)..wen u r anonymous..u can be u!!!
Nice… I have read a lot of your posts, may be have not commented on all but I know how boldly you write…
I read your Awesome – Twosome post today… and I really had that OMG wala moment… I Laughed like a drain… ha ha…
hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha!!! first time i loved reading the comments more than i loved the post...i m rolling on floor....and bluntu ohh spot on referring to bluntu's list:
i m anonymous(to 99% of my readers :/) coz:
yes, i hate being myself...coz i hate myself!! someone once said "i am my best frnd and i m my worst enemy" :)
yes, i am coward...but no i m not proud of it :|
nooo..i dont lie...ppl lie to make their identity look better...i dont have an identity...why shud i lie :O
i like making new frnds...dats why i have soo many blogger frnds...
but truly i m anonymous coz...i dont want ppl to judge wat i write on the basis of wat they kno abt me...
if u really want to kno the face behind me den i will let u kno...but dats not my only identity..its just one of my identities
Hi Su,
I guess all’s okay..I have decided to stop being prejudiced...
No one’s forcing u to divulge yourself...
So it’s really one’s own call...
For anyone who wants to be be it!
N Tbg has a sweet loyal friend in u:-)
Hey Blunts..
*grrr....that’s the sound effect post being frozen*
Hi Ishi,
Welcome to the blogging world n also to my blog!
Thanks n reading people’s thoughts n sharing yours with them, a kinda connect does form..
Hence the word of caution here!
Hope u have a fun ride n also to see you around!
Hey Aparana,
Haha...I am quite proud of my Awesome Twosome..referring to the post of course;-)
So glad u liked them n please feel free to traverse through my madness...
Never mind not commenting...just the appreciation gives me the high:=)
Hi Bucking,
Gloat, gloat...u n Bluntu..aaaaaah!
When one is stuck in such a good company, one must not complain about the company being stubborn too;)
N that someone who once said “i am my best friend n i am my worst enemy” is seriously a mental case...please do not trust all that she says...
And she also wonders why u hate yourself coz we all love u:-)
I agree with all your reasons...
Though insist that you are not a coward...U just don’t like the world going ga-ga over u...modesty my elementary as Holmes would find it!
I guess your reasons suffice...
No judging at all...though the awe continues:-)
And sooooo interested in knowing the rest of the identities:-)
And also a little thank u...for the 99% u mentioned:-)
linking this post in my latest post. visit me there!!!
The way u described is very true.. one can be what one wants....!
Always b yourself... but sometimes hiding that too is fine..
Grt wrk...
Happily I am saying that entire topics what you have discussed above, will be helping me every so often. The idea and drafting of this post is going to be proved as an excellent guideline for those who are willing to begin their writing career.And yes i have bookmarked your site .
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