gurl: “Hey you are so cute!”
Boy’s reaction: “Huh? NAHHHHIIIIIIN” (Don’t look up my friend...the roof has not collapsed on his head...neither has his izzat been loot-oed)...Blasphemy of a different kind at work here. A horrified expression follows on the chocolaty face, as though a 440 volts shock was given. He rolls up his sleeves to show his muscles, runs fingers through his hair to show he’s unkempt and rugged, smiles mischievously to prove he can be wild n notorious...anything to remove the cute tag...for according to latest researches (done by me only....but least let me sound grim n meaning business here)...cute isn’t sexy for boys anymore!
They’ll accept it with restrained emotions but they secretly pine to hear that they are delicious, appetizing, scrumptious, luscious, delectable, succulent....alright, I am getting carried away again....Suruchi, it is NOT the time for food yet!
Right, right...the modern guy or for that matter...even those in their third or fourth or fifth decade...for boys would always be just boys...want to be hunks. Six packs ho na ho...they want you to refer to them as only and downright sex symbols...mentally stimulating and physically irresistible. Cute almost means non-bed-able or something close or rather not so close or...whatever!
They want your mind to create a picture of them getting down a Harley Davidson with a shiny black leather jacket, long boots, loads of chains, huge sunshades with a cow boy hat, (never mind if they are wearing a helmet over it), etc.
And as they take off that helmet...they sway their heads from side to side (not like Mandakini with wet hair after she bathed in that waterfall) as though repositioning the scrambled hair and walk in slow motion towards you...kat, kat, kat...the sound of their shoes...going like the beating of an excited heart....and you can imagine some hard rock being played in the background for they would die if they were found to be hearing mushy tones! Hey, should we give this guy some stubble and a toothpick in the mouth too? Acha...I guess you get the picture anyways!
Before I begin (yes, I have not actually begun yet) I have to see the dictionary meaning of this...
Cute: 1. Pretty and attractive
2. Sexually attractive...ahem, ahem!
3. Clever, sometimes in an annoying way because the person is trying to get an advantage for him or herself!
N my computer ji’s thesaurus says: attractive, pretty, delightful, charming, appealing, endearing, adorable and sweet.
Now why can’t you bloody demanding species of men be happy with so many positive sounding adjectives?
Why on earth would cute guys just not accept that they are cute...period? Cute, cute, I say it in an echo and I can almost feel some guys cringing within and wriggling outside, with their palms cupping their ear lobes as though to prevent a jarring, ear-splitting noise from reaching their inner cores. Like I remember Superman’s powers would be sucked in by that blue liquid thingy in that flick...looks like I’ve got a similar eureka-portion with the label of ‘cute’ to deal with the modern super man! “Mere pass na aana dusht-paapi nahi to mein yeh bottle khol ke chidak donge...” Hehe...looks like the new pack to keep in women’s purse instead of red chilli powder! Imagine Ranjeet coming towards you with letchy eyes and wavering fingers and you tell him you are finding that “cute” ....screeeeeeeeeech...halt dead in tracks... kya yaar...Ranjeet ka saara mood kharab kar diya!
I once called a dear friend of mine cute for he would come up with brilliant laughable comments in every repartee I had with him. But the next moment he turned around, with offended gesticulations and said, “Naah, not cute yaar...puppies and doggies are cute and I haven’t even developed that kind of a tail yet!”
Another one of a kind brilliant duo of my dear blogger friends...Rishi and Amn are staunch comrades of Anti-Cute Boys Campaign. On Facebook I saw these guys indulge in some mad banter and termed them “cute”...Rishi preferred to be discovered as rugged, dirty and not bathed from a while instead and Amn protested that it’s almost an insult for a boy to call him THAT for it implies he’s like a brother....LMAO!! How bloody cute is that now!
Wow...that must make at least a 100 ‘so-called’ siblings for me walking about the planet as we speak, for I normally cling to guys who are cute and often end up reinstating that to them till they are bloody convinced. And sadly the cute variety of guys is the kind that you DON’T want as brothers. Cuteness in brothers is such a waste! They are the ones who can actually make you laugh...with them and not at them! So god ji give this syndrome in abundance to normal boys and men treading about on mother earth with whom there can be a possibility of a different connotation!
Okay lemme see who are the guys among the celebrities whom we could term cute: Hey, Shahrukh is cute...sometimes, when he is not pompous or seething with romance. Shahid Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor (actually he oscillates between being downright sexy more and adorably cute less) and....errr...mmm...why can’t I bloody think of names now? Why in god’s name are the cute least those who started as cute...converting to mean machines...Aamir, Saif, Akshay and the likes? Oh hell and the only names that are coming to my mind right now for cute then are Govinda, Arshad Warsi, Sharman Joshi, uffffff never mind. Bollywood anyways sucks when it comes to cuteness quotient.
Let’s go Hollywooding...Leonardo de Caprio (actually he’s turned into a hunk too since the Titanic sank and was gone), Hugh Grant, Jude Law and Mathew Mc conaughey- why couldn’t this latter hot dude have a simpler pronounceable n spell able surname (they arouse the sexy senses more that the cuddly ones), Steve Martin, Billy Crystal, Danny de Vito....ALRIGHT I get it...cute guys are like puppies or at least look like one!
So lemme now end on a like you cute poem for lack of any inferences that I had hoped to reach here:
Cutie cutie why do u shy?
A new tag worth a try...
You talk so fine and look divine...
Don’t make us pine...
Sometimes sexy sometimes cute...
Why whine...when we are ready to boot!
P.S. I googled for pictures of “cute men” to upload here for images...guess what it showed me...Puppies! ;-)
It's not like that (well, almost. Call a man cute, and he'll like it.
But just praise his manliness and other traits, and he'll love it.
The trick is to mix it up a bit and he'll be fine.
Although, being called cute is fine with me, at least, it's better than being called nothing. :P
nice couplet at the end.
as for y not being called cute...
cute guys r rarely taken seriously...we can its the end of the world and gals will still go "awww sho cute"
PS: I googled it too...I got pics of demi moore
@Hi Nips... it's all about the difference of liking n loving it huh?
N when u tell me to mix it up...u better be more specific Nips...coz u know how MY mind works...;-)
N u anyways are the epitome of being cute n a complete naatak...
So there...cute,cute,cute;-)
See I told ya I'd write on this n here it is...
Though u'd be the only one who'd appreciate the couplet in the end;/
N did u just googled "Cute men" or did u google "what cute men want?" to land up with Demi Moore...well, not literally...
Just askinggggggggggg...:-)
By the way...u guys often call the girls what do we assume here...female puppies??????
hmmmmmmmmm Interesting :)
LMAO.... hahahahhahha
wot a cute post :P :P...jst luv d humour content in ur posts...
temme how wud a female react if she is calld or rathr reffrd as handsome?? now google it or chk ur thesuarus n u will find meanings wich actually wont b dat offensv n wierd 2 women... now ur an english teacher so i assume u dont require 2 evn google d meaning :P :P... hmm c how google has become a synonym wid search... cute is a term wich ppl often associate wid sm delightful or things wich make women go awwwwwwwwwww :P :P, lol find d sound f it funny.. der r certain things n ways rathr shud i b sayin standard settings in dis world n try 2 fit dis 1 in dat 1 n u hv a funny picture :P.. now u can associate cute wid d way u like it... b it desirable... bed-able.. jst makin use f a term f urs :P(wud b fun if ur students get 2 read ur post n come up wid der dbts :P hehe),, or b ir dat d gut is funny or sm gesture dat u found cute... diff females will hv diff reason 2 find a guy cute,, but den again i blv u u wud only confrm my belief rathr u wud knw bttr.. dat der r many odr adjctves 2 refer 2a man(cute is an adjctv rite??correct me if am wrong ).. besyds given ur an englsih teacher u gota hv way more vocab n words beyond cute :P its not dat u wud offnd a man by calling him cute .. its jst der r bttr ways n words u can appreciate him... rest still u find callin men cute CUTE... haha c dats cute dat u come up wid such a cute post :P :P..
puppies or kids or wotevr , der is a set idea wen u use word like cute... now bein reffrd as des aint offnsv but u nvr knw in wot sense d person using it mk say n in wot sense person bein reffrd 2 may tk.. so y bring in dbt... :P trust me no man will like company f a manly woman :P , n i assume nor will d ladies appreciate a womanly man :P:P.. rest des days u nvr knw... so nehw now goin beynd d post :P ....really CUTE post... like d poem at d end 2... n nxt tym u wanna call a man cute..think how wil u feel if he said dat ur so handsome :P :P cya woman..keep posting
Hey Searching Life...
Your search ends here...
Stay around I promise to make it more interesting...though I'd love to know more on what u found interesting...
We blabber a lot here...the blogger blabbers...those who comment go on n on...the key is to not stop talking...okay..I am stopping now...
Have a great day:-)
Now you are damn cute n period!
U know females in ancient Victorian times were termed as handsome?
And still some authors prefer to call their leading ladies that...which suggests not really any kinda masculinity...but then a strong edifice of a beautiful structure...
English teacher hoon yaar...but not the regular kinds...many of my students read my posts...I have some fifty of them on my Facebook friends list...where my madness never ends...I often have more fun with my students than without them...that is in addition to the fact that I have a lot of fun all the time;-)
N "awwwwwww" is like my these villains in older movies used to have obnoxious dialogues they would maaro after every line...I maaro awwwww, of course topically though...So if I maroo that to u...means I looooooooove having u around...hehe...
I guess u guys need to decode us better...;-)
P.S."Cute" is an adjective...better hotter adjectives come out according to the dish on my platter...;-)
And "bed-able" is an invention...but great term na...yiy yiyyiee...I like it;)
c trademark :P :P.... u said it urself..dats all i meant 2 say ....imagine how it will seem if hindi film villians maro such cute commnts instead of der obnoxious dialogues ??? :P :P... n i thot u were english teacher 2 small school kids... it seems now ur not.. rathr teach d senior section on colg mayb.. gud 4 u ur not d regular kinds :P... v students appreciate chilld out teachers rathr dan d obnoxious kinds :P :P.. n am period??itni english ni atti yaar,, tho am assuming by dat u mean 2 say am unaware of d victorian tyms.. n indeed i wasnt awar ef it so thnx 4 enlitining me MA'AM :P :P...
n dnt wan2 play d spoil sport but bed-able isnt a term i'v read 4d 1st tym :P... so u aint gt no credit 4 its invention... tho u gt lota scope 2 invent many still keep tryin u jst myt get sm patent :P :P
I call a gal cute.. sexy, hot, smart, sweet, etc etc
but never cute... :)
I get no credit for the invention...damn..whatever great thing I do...why has someone done it already before me?Couldn't these guys wait for me to do such things first?...I guess Newton,Edison n the likes did not hear of the phrase "Ladies first"...hehe...;-)
N I teach English to kids of classes 1 to 12 from my home...more like a coaching centre...Thanks for appreciating the villains bit in the post...I was kinda proud of myself for using it there...:-)
See..great minds think alike:-) cute girls for you I guess...anyways you suffice the quota of a dozen cute things in one...So for balance's sake...u ought to go after the hot ones instead...;-)
Suruchi, you are evil...LMAO!!!! I have rarely seen a woman with such brilliant sense of humor...ofcourse other than me...ahem ahem...hehe...
Guys need to knw, that even if we think they're cute we donot mean that we doubt their..umm...masculinity(for the lack of a better word..well wtever). I mean he is cute, but he can be a man when occasion calls..thats what we hope for basically,aye?
Loved this post! You're a genuis, you knw that?
hmmm... its like not all blondes are dumb and not all cute looking guys are "gays"...
its just that we men are being told since childhood..mard koh dard nahi hota...bahut hota hai yaar!!!!
so in general terms compliment of being "cute" is received as weak when one is supposed to be macho n all!! but fellas...Jigar mein dum hai toh hum hain!!
looks can be deceptive they say!!
he is sooo cute said in that specific tone can also mean
clever and shrewd...
Hey Cin...
Wow...great to have u back...n I totally agree...there's rarely a woman with such a brilliant sense of US...u rock big time babes..:-)
And yup...I guess the masculinity is the main issue...cute is being "sized" up here I guess;-)
Well cute things...err...I mean cute people don't really have to be little and chocolaty n shrivelled...cute can be big n cuddly n where I have gone from where...
Yes guys...please "rise" to the occasion n stay cute:-)
P.S.Naah..I don't know if I am a you can say that again;-)
Hi Harpreet...
Arrey waah...
Very well said ji...
Mard ko dard nahi hota...maha dard hota hain...
One has to see you guys in pain...the whole house comes tumbling down with so much as a 100 degree temperature...hehe
Cute is not tells u that we get weak in the knees when we see you...It tells that we can be ourselves when we are near u...It tells that we love that you have no attitude and we'd love to have you around (if both parties are available that is) for the rest of our lives...:-)
Exactly!! Bingo!!
thanx for the welcome!!
take care!!
your search showed puppies!!!!!
seeing you after looongg girl??where have you been??
Always welcome hain ji harpreet:-)
Actually true yaar...I guess google was made by a guy who was told that he was cute too often n yet dumped;-)
I was around fact I was kinda missing u here since you always drop in to say something nice to add to the highs...n like always...u never disappoint...big hugs:-)
nahee jee...bilkul not disappointed..infact m following you so i never miss your blog...while i write this i see a man peeing on a tree bark in the picture below
hishhh!! kya hoga
Hi Su...
Awww...such a cute profile pic...
Hey read through the last couple of posts last night...amazing the little mundane randoms between u n ur g...
N did I tell ya that I also have my very own hubby...:-)
I was telling him that there are more g-factors in the world that we know of...;-)
Just a word of advice...
Hey...nazar utaar lena yaar...with everyone going ga ga over the relation btwn u two...I am never superstitious...but this I just about accept..hugssss:-)
You read my mind.. lol..
All i've heard as a word of praise for me from the opposite gender is "cute"..
non-bedable is the correct
its that " we can be great friends but no vam bam.." .. but you made me feel good about being called cute..
it does mean.. " Sexually attractive.. hehe"
you are definitely one the coolest teachers i have seen !!!
please come to my college and teach !!
haha! nice one
@Malpani...ur pic is reeking of cuteness....ekdum awwwwww bask in the glory...there'd be plenty of takers;-)
Cute is sexually VERY attractive;-)
n cuddly too...n once when u cuddle...I guess it's cozier on the bed n once on the bed...u automatically become bed-able...
Errr...remind me guys not to use my logic again....;-)
P.S.Are u still feeling good or do I try harder here?;-)
@Weirdo...Oh wow...
Wish u were the Principal then I would have jumped...not at u but at the offer...though ur pic is veryyyyyy cute too;-)
Hahaha...Am I blessed or what?
Cute guys around me...
Mmm....actually cursed too...coz they are all a decade behind me in age to match up:-(
Why didn't they make such witty cute 22 ones when I was 22?:-(
Boo hoo...
That's a compliment by the way...coz I luuuuuuuuuved reading ur blogs:-)
So true! They don't like being seen as cute at all (is the whole puppies/babies thing I think...they don't want to be 'pattable' or 'cuddle-able'...they want to look 'hot' or 'tough' depending on whether male or female audience it seems) of my friends who usually lets me choose his profile pics was happily going to replace his current with one I told him was my favourite I had taken of him...until he saw it (very nice photo it was - nice backdrop, and he looked really good (far more 'handsome' than his usual choices) but he was smiling and looking happy and well, cute) and said 'oh no, I can't put that up, I look cute in it.'
You are so funny...I loved the 'things I hate post' too :D...will have to read the rest.
Hello...Wicked witch of the west...What a wonderful name!:-)
But do tell your friend girls drool over pics of cute, smiling guys more than hot muscled n bodied least I do...hehe..;-)
Thanks for stopping by...please direct your broom here more often...;-)
i cudn read the whole of shobit has said .. dude tat wasa whole big post in the comment scetion but i totally agree with wat he said ...!!!
u call me cute n i will call u handsome from now on or may be even
call u rugged ....!!!1
yes suruchi ur writtin is so rugged ,,,!!!
this post makes u so handsome ....
btw this is the first time i have een mentioned on ne blog ..!! i loved it ,,,~~~!! thnx (eeven though it was in a post tat calls men cute)
ohh n btw i too liked the lil poem in the end ....!!!
Hi Amnn...
Haha...first for reading through Sobhit's comment and agreeing without understanding what he said:-)
That itself qualifies u to enter the cute zone with panache:-)
Thank u for the handsome n rugged bit...but cute to neutral gender hain yaar!
Poora post aap dono ke liye likha...phir bhi aap convince nahi kahe ka handsome n kahe ke rugged:-(
N u don't need to thank me...u guys give me the inspiration for I find u so absolutely cute...
Stay the same....
Arre...don't get angry yet...there's more
Cute along with being hot,handsome, rugged,sexy...aur kya add karna hain bata dena;-)
got the point meri maa ,,!!!
donworry u can call me wateva u want cute mute pute n i won mind it ,,,!!
but tats jus for u ...coz u undersatnd our prob so we don have a problem ,,,
Got the point na...par mera ya aapke ma ka?
Did u just tear ur hair reading this?I have a feeling that u did...
Jaise bola ho...lo suno mere ma aur daffa ho;-)Humein baksh do!
N thanks for the exclusive rights given to me...n I understand your problem? I am curious to know more problems;-)
Thank you Suruchi...I must say I am very fond of my name (and of course my nice evil picture)...and I feel it is only fair to warn others of my evil by naming myself suitably :D (Harsh can confirm my evil)
I will definitely be visiting more the way you write...and liked your things you hate too :D
I am totally with you...cute is waaay more appealing than the very sculpted scowling guy. Especially if sculpted guy is trying to impress with shirt off...
Hi W3
Love ur name too:-)
N the pic just adds to ur pretty mystery...
Harsh as in Harsh who?
Ooooooooh...are u cathy?
-The Australian blogger
Wow...this now seems even better:-)
And cute rocks big time yaar
but when u insist on a sculpted guy being shirt less to impress...n if it's just me who's to be impressed...well what the heck girl..I guess preferences can wander;-)
Thank you ;-) you should look at that emo boy style at this blog:
Yes I am Cathy :D I told Harsh 'I am a stalker but I can't be a sneaky stalker' - as I also can't be a sneaky sinner...I must confess them all :D
And yes, they can be worth looking at topless...but if it is their facebook profile photo, then they are surely not going to enter my friends list.
And thank you...I think the pic is a great improvement over the rather mundane reality that is me (although sshh don't tell Harsh as he clicked the previous pic...)
Hehe...okay Cathy...great to get chatty with you...
Though I barely know Harsh as of now...I hope to get to know more of both of you soon:-)
And absolutely shhhhhhhhh about telling this to Harsh;-)
Stay wicked n cute...that's the only way to be:-)
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