Well, I thrive and yearn for observations like that made in our everyday life to coerce me to wear my thinking cap....which is otherwise also never stacked away... very much there actually but functioning invisibly and on the weirdest of routes.
Well, a dear friend of mine said so in some context which is not worth mentioning here but the grains of reality hidden in it came spilling before my mind. The heart was supposed to be just a bloody body part assisting in the smooth metabolic functions (ok, I suck as much in science as I do in maths....so whatever may be its scientific manifestations) ...however like with everything else, human beings have over glorified it to make it the axis of our life system and our mere existence itself.
The ‘dhak-dhak’ of the heart in not just an example of imagery....it is the gateway to a world of imagination....The consciously beating heart can send you into a flurry of sensations and dreams that only you can fathom. And any journey to any other world, no matter how momentary, puts you in that switch-on and switch-off mode...scraping off some elements of peace from your basic constitution. If your heart has the capacity to “beat” ...well, it has the ability also to “beat” you at any game from thereafter. An open heart ready to imbibe or rather in a layman’s term, single and ready to mingle, is often also running about with a placard printed on it.... ‘On the road to self-destruction’. It was not for no reason that Shakespeare wrote...love is blind and lovers cannot see....
You are so concentrated in unearthing that solace to your open heart that you often fail to judge the legitimacy or the conducive influence of the source it is coming from! On open heart can barely be hidden, no matter how much you try to cover it behind the facade of smiles or the edifice of an on-the-move life...
It surfaces like the dead body buried deep in the arms of the lake, which refuses to clutch it from prying eyes. Ya, the open heart is dangerous and bloody evident!
Often each one of us battles with the bafflement between the heart and the mind. The stronger ones are deemed those who listen to their mind while invariably and categorically, the weaker ones are guided by their heart. What makes our heart so weak? Are we the superior specie among those sauntering on the paths of the world, by the merit of our brain...or are we the inferior ones radiating all the negativities in the world by the demerit of our heart? Our heart not just pumps in blood but also pumps in life breathe to our well being, and we are not talking in physical terms here for a change! Logic is always a tad weaker before emotions, rationality a teeny weenie bit succumbing before passion....This is how we were structured and the sooner we come to terms with it, the better we would be able to combat it. Ok, even logically speaking for many of you intelligent specimens here....Can you deny the existence of air just because you cannot perceive it with your naked eyes? Well, no rocket science explanation there, but I guess I got home the point.
So then, is it more imperative to win over the mind or more momentous to have a control over the heart? This is almost like asking who came first in this world- the hen or the egg. But then each one of us would have to carve a niche for ourselves...analyse and debate within till we arrive at a conclusive order, either by a balance of both or by clearly establishing our priority. Don’t be ready to settle for anything guided by fears and insecurity... Don’t be in denial for what you can give or extravagant in what you should hold! Let the heart be open but the mind walk hand in hand with it.
When we stride ahead in life, we must be cautious of our open hearts...don’t let them guide or control you. Be vary...for an open door is an invitation for anyone to walk in....Keep the circuits at a high alert for whoever walks in would never leave until he or she has left indelible footprints on your life!